Stress and Illness:Double Trouble

Sometimes stress gets the best of me. Everything I’ve learned about managing it flies right out out the window. Mindfulness, deep breathing, rubber band on your wrist popping, forget it!

Your immune system gets torn up if you have sustained stress for even short periods of time.

I don’t take the Influenza vaccine and haven’t since being forced to in the military. Within 3 weeks of being vaccinated I came down with a bad case of Strep Throat! I’d not had Strep prior to being vaccinated, following that instance, I got it 3 more times within a 3 year period. I find that odd!

The immune system is the body’s system of defense against disease. Leukocytes hunt and kill pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi, worn-out body cells, and even cells that have become cancerous. They recognize invading pathogens by their surface fragments known as antigens.

A weakened immune system increases susceptibility to many illnesses, including the common cold and the flu. It may also increase the risk of developing chronic diseases, including cancer.

I got sick this week and its rare for me. Fever, sore throat, awful cough, congestion, and headache. I don’t know whether it’s flu or an upper respiratory infection. It doesn’t really matter because either is miserable.

Flu season is raging like a wild fire much earlier then in previous years and the vaccine is not very effective for this particular strain. Other serious strains are also emerging this season which is a bit unusual.


''Influenza A virus''', transmission electron micrograph of negatively stained virus particles in late passage. Dr. Erskine Palmer, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Public Health Image Library'', 1981.

The “Respiratory Syncytial Virus” is often mistaken for the Flu and tends to affect older people and young children. RSV is a common cause of severe respiratory illness and even death in the elderly.

Protect yourself from this years strains of Flu whether or not you believe in vaccinations.


First and foremost is hand washing! Not just rinsing your hands but through washing with soap and very warm water, as hot as you can stand it, even between your fingers. Scrub your nails with a nail or vegetable brush.


Try not to stress about anything, whatever it is it can wait. Easy for me to say!
Do NOT rub or touch your eyes, mouth or nose with any portion of your hands.
Stay away from others who are not well or have symptoms.
Avoid crowds and enclosed spaces if possible.
Don’t use hankies, use tissues to blow your nose.
Cover your mouth if you sneeze or cough.
If you feel sick, please stay home and don’t bring it to work!
It’s a myth that everyone runs a fever with the Flu, not everyone does.
Get some Lysol spray

If you run a high fever for more then a couple of days see a doctor.


If you should get the Flu or feel like your coming down with it make sure you do these simple things.
Bed rest
Stay warm
Drink lots of fluids and clear liquids like soups, broth, and Gatorade.
Use Tylenol to lower fever, not aspirin or NSAIDs!
High does of Vitamin C (2000 mg) at a minimum if your stomach can handle it twice daily. I use a powdered form mixed with liquids.
Gargle with salt water several times daily if you have a sore throat.

Comfort Measures

Vick’s Vapor Rub works great if you rub it on the chest and place a heated soft towel on the chest. It needs to be moist heat, not the heating pad.

Chicken Soup - any kind will do.

Make Hot Ginger tea
1-inch piece of fresh ginger, cut into thin slices
3 cups water
1 tablespoon lemon juice
2 tablespoons local honey
Boil the water and add the ingredients, drink it 2 to 3 times daily.


Curl up with a good book or browse steemit.

Take a nap, sleep is good. Make like a Koloa.


Photo by Jordan Whitt

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