I Wish The Pain is Mine

Lately steemit is the last thing on my mind, not because I'm leaving the platform but because my little one has been sick.

The last two nights was a struggle, we were worrying (and still actually) why her temperature shoot up till 104 degree Fahrenheit (40 degree Celsius), we brought her to ER and ran a couple of test on her. The blood result showed that everything is fine. We were discharged after couple of hours.

look like someone didn't like the tag :)

Just by looking at her whenever she is crying, i can feel her pain as well. It sadden my heart.

The doctor said to go back and not to worry, gave us paracetamol and ibuprofen to help with her fever. But... the worrying part is that we don't know what kind of infection she has right now.

We can only pray and hopefully she will get better soon.

I found this quote to be so true.

My Appeal to You

I realized that a good health is important, so treasure it and take care of it.

We are all wondering "which is the best investment right now?" But we forget that your own health is the best investment that you can invest and you should.

What's the benefit if you've a large amount of money but you can't enjoy it? You sacrifice your health in order to work more, to get more and after you've got it ... you spend it to restore your health.

So invest in your mental and physical health before you invest your time and resource in anything else.

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