Consequences of abusing the use of Omeprazole tablets.

Hello dear friends, in this opportunity I am going to talk about a widely used medicine, the drug Omeprazole very consumed by the world population, this is due to its diversity to be used in various pathologies, and easy access.

In some countries medical prescription is required to be dispensed, however in my country it is over-the-counter, so the population is constantly self-medicating.

Let's talk a little about this medicine.
Omeprazole is the chemical molecule (5-methoxy-2 - [(4-methoxy-3,5-dimethyl-pyridin-2-yl) methylsulfinyl] -3H-benzimidazole).


It acts on the cells of the gastric mucosa, inhibiting up to 80% the secretion of hydrochloric acid (HCl) by means of the annulment of the proton output in the electrogenic H + / K + pump.
Its most frequent uses are:

Gastrophysical refujo.
The Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.
To treat ulcers especially those caused by a certain type of bacteria (Helicobacter pylori).
Hernia del Hiato.
After being ingested its absorption has some variability, being the main absorption at the level of the small intestine. With a low volume of distribution, the bioavailability will depend on the gastric pH and the dose administered. It has an average life time between 30 a 90 minutes, and its main routes of excretion is renal and fecal.


How does Omeprazole work?
After we chew and crush the food bolus, it passes through the esophagus and reaches the stomach to continue with the digestion process. This consists of different substances, including hydrochloric acid. The more hydrochloric acid contained in the gastric juice, the more acidic it will be. Therefore, when we sometimes digest a lot of food, the stomach needs to secrete more hydrochloric acid and gives us that feeling of acidity, which is regulated by the intake of medications.
When this secretion occurs abnormally or constantly due to a pathology, it is necessary to carry out a more extensive treatment, because the excess of hydrochloric acid is corrosive to any tissue of the body. Thus, what Omeprazole does is reduce in large amounts (up to 80%) the secretion of hydrochloric acid by inhibiting the proton pump of the stomach or electrogenic pump, which releases protons to form that compound.

Now, let's talk about the main topic of this post, which is its Abuse in Medication.

One of the main causes of its excessive use, is the rapidity in its beneficiary effect for the patient, acts very fast, eliminating the different symptomatology, such as heartburn or gastric reflux.

Its abuse in dosage and time of consumption is what leads to harmful consequences for health, the dose and time of administration should be indicated by the treating physician.

Significant damage to health due to excessive use:

1- Deficit in the absorption of vitamins such as B12. Here I want to stop to explain why it is important to clarify how the deficit of this vitamin is so important for the organism. The lack of this in the organism could result in anemia, and problems with the nervous system due to the demyelination that protects to the nerve endings.
In studies conducted and published by the Journal of the American Medical Association, it states that people who took a drug daily from the omeprazole group for two or more years were 65% more likely to have low levels of vitamin B12 than those who did not They had ingested these drugs for such a prolonged period. Regarding the most dangerous doses, it was found that taking 1.5 tablets daily was associated with a 95% higher risk than this deficiency compared when the daily intake was less than 0, 7 pill Finally to conclude, if a high dose of this medication is prescribed because there is a lot of burning, it should be lowered as soon as possible (for example from 40 milligrams to 20) and stop the treatment after a while, at least take breaks , because with this the absorption of vitamin B12 is recovered.

2- Decrease in magnesium and calcium levels. By decreasing its absorption too.That can result in higher risk of bone fractures.

3-Severe diarrhea.

In conclusion:

The majority of patients who consume it without those who have the above-mentioned pathologies, but also those who have a polymedication due to multiple chronic diseases.
First, we should not confuse omeprazole or any other proton pump inhibitor, or even histamine inhibitors, with antacids because they are not.
It also recommends making periodic measurements of vitamin B12 in those who are on chronic treatment with these medications.
It is not that it is a dangerous drug, we already know that it can interfere in the absorption of various substances, but it must be indicated by a doctor, in most of the occasions its use is not necessary.
In addition, its consequences or adverse effects may go unnoticed for years ending with saying that "the remedy was worse than the disease.


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