Hair Loss Or Bald? Quiet. Japanese Professor Discover How To Fasten Hair!

The irritation when it feels like a comb or shampoo, does it fall on a comb or in a trench? In addition to hair loss is less attractive can cause baldness. There are people with certain health problems who experience hair loss or baldness, such as patients with cancer chemotherapy.
During this time, treating hair loss or baldness is just a preventive action. Even if the hair transplant, the occipital duty, should be implanted in front. Well, this company is not a significant result. Because it does not increase the amount of hair that grows in the head, is rarely overgrown.


The good news, a professor at Yokohama University, Junji Fukuda found a solution that can help people with hair loss or baldness. It grows follicles (pouches) or hairs from two different cells. His research has been published in the journal Biomaterials. Fukuda and his team tested the 'planting' follicles in silicone containers in mice. As a result, black hair grows in bulk in these mice.


The result is also 5000 people hair follicles and a person's hair. But this has never been tested on people, so you still have to be patient. To reach the stage can be used as a person who still takes five to ten years. Nevertheless, this research is needed as a new breakthrough in terms of hair loss. Silicon used to grow follicles is dimethyl polysiloxane, a compound that is also used in cooking fast food for deep fryers.
But do not get me wrong, eating French fries at a fast food restaurant will not let your hair become strong or reduce baldness. If you do not have the ability to overcome the problem of baldness, pantengin will keep a diary to know the latest development of Fukuda's research.

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