The truth about HPV vaccines.....

Over the last 10 years Big Pharma have pushed the Gardisil and Cervarix vaccines in young girls for prevention of HPV. The question is, does it work.? An expert in the Human Papiloma Virus (HPV), is speaking out about the dangers and side effects of this vaccines an what your OB/GYN is not telling you. Dr. Diane Harper , a former vaccine researcher for Merck, is speaking out about the truth of HPV vaccines. In a recent speech given in Virginia, Dr. Harper said that 70% of all HPV infections resolve themselves without treatments , and 90% do so within 2 years.
Over 40 girls have died from these vaccines and side effects include; seizures , blood cloths, brain inflammation , lupus and Guillain Barre Syndrome , a rare but serious syndrome which causes the immune system to attack and damage nerve cells.
Dr. Harper said that while Gardasil and Cervarix are marketed to protect against cervical cancer, the claim has not been proven and is hypothetical.
Since coming forward with the dangers of these vaccines, Dr. Harper has been attack and a vicious campaign has been wage against her.
It's obvious to me that big Pharma are making the population more sick instead of healthier . To much money involved . My advice! , Always research before undergoing any medical treatment, ask questions.image.jpegimage.jpeg Best of lucks ;)

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