This could turn into more of a rant, so please bare with me.

Chase got taken from his parents last night. Most of this was posted to Facebook live, as it was happening. A team of police, doctors and DHS workers turned up, with no paperwork, and STOLE Chase...

What have these parents done to deserve this??

Well, they took their OWN son off the concoction of toxic drugs that the medical world uses to mask symptoms and replaced it with the naturally occurring plant extract, Cannabis oil, which has done more for Chase, any MANY other people, than any pharmaceutical poison could ever do. Yeah, it's illegal, I get it. Who wouldn't do something illegal if it was going to help their child's quality of life?

Imagine for a moment that you had never had the chance to see your own child smile at you...they can't even look you in the eye...and someone gave you a 'magic pill' that could change that...but it's illegal...would you give it to them? Would you break the law and risk everything just to be able to hold your child's gaze for one moment? Just to see their eyes light up once when you walked into the room? To see that they know you're there? What would you give to have tour child smile at you, just once, if you had been told they never would? It's not even something to ponder for me...I'd move heaven and earth, I'd rob banks, I'd do WHATEVER it took, just to see that once.

They also decided to take Chase off the "food" that the medical professionals had prescribed for him and replace that with fresh, organic, home prepared meals. This part gets me...I've read more than one article that suggests that Chase is malnourished, and that he lost nearly HALF of his body weight since being taken off the formula...what 3 or 4 year old weighs 20-22kg in the first place?! How is that healthy? Ok, one could argue that a 3/4 shouldn't be as small as 10-11kg like chase is now, but please bare in mind that this child is wheelchair bound. He has no muscle development, he SHOULD weigh less than the average 3/4 yr old.

Lastly, there is a nasty old catch phrase that the media uses to pull at the heart strings of the everyday person...ANTI-VAX!!
Nearly every headline I've come across that has to do with Chase, labels his parents, Marc and Cini, as anti-vax. I hate this term for so many reasons. It's almost become derogatory...

Most anti-vaxers are actually EX-VAXERS, (just search for #wedid) which is what you will find with this story. They DID vaccinate Chase, they are NOT anti Vax.

They have stopped, but really, why should they continue? Let's go back to QUALITY of life...this boy is severely ill, what disease do they possibly need to protect him from?

There is also suggestions that Chase may have actually been vaccinated twice, mistakenly, as a new born...right when his seizures started...which is listed as an adverse reaction in the package insert. I'm not suggesting anything here...just going by the information I have come across.

In my opinion this child is healthier, safer and better off with his parents. This is wrong on so many levels. It's about the media and politics, pushing to keep medical marijuana illegal, pushing the vaccination agenda and pushing big pharma. No matter what the media puts out there #ISTANDWITHCHASE

I beg you, please familiarise yourselves with this story and please, stand up with us!


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