A few facts about HPV and Gardisal

This is just a little note in response to an article written by @ropaga about the HPV virus and vaccination.

I am all for freedom of choice when it comes to vaccinations, but i believe that people need to be made aware of the facts, completely, before making the decision.

Below, is a copy of my reply to @ropaga on his actual post. It is just a FEW facts about HPV.

Did you know??

Did you know that 90% of HPV infections correct themselves, without treatment, with in a 2 year period?
Did you know that Gardisal has only been proven to be effective for 5 years? (Yet, they're giving it to kids as young as 11)
Did you know that the Gardisal vaccination includes both aluminum and polysorbate 80?
Did you know that the American College of Paediatritians put out a paper regarding thier concerns for the HPV vaccine and it causing ovarian disfunction in young girls?
Did you know that the doctor who helped design and carry out phase II and III safety and effectiveness studies to get Gardisal aproved, has now spoken out agaisnt its safety?
Did you know that Gardisal has been associated with as many serious adverse reactions as there are deaths from cervical cancer developing each year?
Did you know that Gardisal only prevents cervical cancer caused by 2 types of HPV? (Type 16 and 18)
It does not protect against uterus cancer.
Did you know there where 40 deaths from Gardisal just from the trail studies alone?
As well as another 258 serious adverse reactions? (Study total of just over 29,000 people)
And all of this is just the tip of the iceberg for this vaccine!



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