Its name comes from the Zika forest of Uganda when it was first isolated in 1947. It has been known to occur within the equatorial belt from Africa to Asia. Now the virus has spread towards the eastward side, across the pacific ocean to Americas and leading to 2015-2016 Zika virus epidemic

What is Zika virus?

Zika virus (ZIKV) is a member of the virus family Flaviviridae. Usually spreads by daytime-active Aedes mosquitoes,such as A. aegypti and A. albopictus.

Is it in my country?

zika map

zika map

Above map shows countries affected by Zika virus till date. Source CDC

zika map

Above map shows the probability of Zika disease spreading via Aedes aegypti. Source Wikipedia

zika map

Above map shows spread of Zika. Source Wikipedia

zika map

Source Dailystar

So is Zika virus has spread to US?

zika map

According to Latest CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention)
As of 25th jan 2017 there are 35,644 cases reported in US alone

On Nov 18th 2016 WHO declared the end of Zika virus emergency around the globe but has given warning about future threat of epidemic spread.Source

What are the symptoms of Zika virus disease?

According to Dr.Amesh Adalja(MD) spokesman of Infectious Diseases Society of America Only 1 out of 5 people show symptoms and rest may not even have symptoms at all.

Sypmtoms may take anywhere from 3 to 14 days after a bite from infected mosquito. It may last from several days to about week.

Main symptoms are

  1. Headache
  2. Fatigue
  3. Joint pain
  4. Mild fever
  5. Conjuctivitis
  6. Skin rash

zika map

Main symptoms. Source CDN slideshare

Call your doctor if you are developing similar symptoms and you live or visited the areas where Zika is spreading.

Is there any connection between Zika, Microcephaly and Pregnancy?

Unfortunately Yes, CDC has confirmed that Zika causes microcephaly in babies born to infected pregnant woman. Microcephaly stunts a baby’s head growth and it may also cause still birth.

However.CDC has evidence that other birth defects may occur other than microcephaly. These are collectively called as a Congenital Zika syndrome.

According to CDC avoid travel to these areas especially for pregnant woman.

zika map

Source: CDC

What if you are pregnant and have travelled to these areas?

First of all consult your doctor. Doctor must also check your baby’s health and should screen for Zika to rule out other disease dengue or chikungunya.

Pregnant woman who have not developed the symptoms but travelled to the epidemic areas should also get tested 2 to 12 weeks ater returning

Pregnant woman with Zika should get ultrasound done every 3 to 4 weeks.

What other health related problems are concerned with zika?

Rare cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome has been reported,a temporary paralysis of legs.
Very rarely your immune system may get affected and in some cases may develop Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM).

Is there any test for Zika virus?

Yes there is a test where you can get checked if you are infected with Zika or not. The test checks for genetic code of virus if you are infected. However this test will have no significance after 2 weeks of symptoms.

How can I prevent Zika affecting me?

zika map

As prevention is better than treatment. Here are some list of prevention from Zika spread

  1. Avoid mosquito bites by using repellent.
  2. Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants, indoors and out during summers and rainy season.
  3. Registered insect repellents.
  4. Use screens on windows and doors, and get rid of standing water in tires, buckets, planters, and flowerpots, as mosquitoes lay eggs near water.
  5. The CDC also recommends using condoms or abstaining from sex for 8 weeks for women or 6 months for men to avoid sexual transmission.
  6. Avoid travelling to zika affected countries.

Is there any vaccine or treatment available if I get Zika virus?

Unfortunate health professionals have no specific medications and vaccination proven to treat Zika virus. Clinical trials are still going on.
Zika is treated symptomatically by doctors.
• Get plenty of rest
• Drink fluids to prevent dehydration
• Medications- Aceraminophen or Paracetamol
• Aspirin and NSAIDS are not given until Dengue and other bleeding disorder can be ruled out
• If you take other medication for other medical condition, Please talk to your healthcare provider.



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