How to Become Stronger and More Clever With One Exercise! Lesson 1

Here I am again. And as promised - I write about yoga. 

First I'll tell you about Surya Namaskar or "Sun Salutation". I do this exercise every morning and not only it helps me to wake up and make up for supply of energy, but also to keep my body in good shape. In addition, thanks to Surya Namaskar concentration of attention and brain functions get better. 

It's necessary to do Surya Namaskar with an empty stomach. Do not rush and do the exercise in your personal comfortable rhythm. It's needed to breath with nose only and to repeat breathing cycles from 1 to 6 (if you have already reached the advanced level - that can be even more). The most important point: breathe!

           The repeat all the same standing on another leg. 

           I will be thankful for your comments and advices.


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