Types of Acne and How to Recognize Acne Scars

                         Types of Acne and How to Recognize Acne Scars

In this article , you will find a helpful guide on how to recognize various type of acne, and how to choose the appropriate treatment to cure it.
The aim of this post is to facilitate an understanding of acne, help to better classify the first signs of skin inflammation, and evaluate your best treatment options.


 Acne Types Guide How to Recognize Acne signs

 Acne. It’s one word that makes most of us groan at the least, can come in all shapes and sizes and possibly cause serious damage to our self-image and self-esteem.

People get acne for a variety of reasons: bad hygiene, hormonal imbalances and bad diet. There are various types of acne some curable by using natural home remedy others more severe requires specific treatment and products. 


 Blackheads are pores that are clogged with skin cells and excess oil. The opening to the pore remains open, and the appearance of the pore is dark. This is why it is called a blackhead. The reason why it appears dark is because the sebum contains melanin, which is what creates your skin tone. When the sebum mixes with the oxygen in the air, it darkens. Therefore, it does not mean your skin is dirty, or that you can wash it off. Stick to washing your face twice per day, or you could aggravate your skin and make your acne worse. Do not pick your skin, because you could push the bacteria further into the hair follicle creating a much deeper, more difficult kind of acne to heal.


In order to prevent breakouts from occurring, make sure to wash your face with a mild natural cleanser at least twice per day; more if you are physically active and sweating. You should make sure eating well with a diet rich of A Vitamins  and getting plenty of sleep to allow your skin to heal.

Do not touch your face, or break up the acne pimples, this will just exacerbate the situation and ultimately make things worse and make sure you are following a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.  


 Whiteheads are very similar to blackheads. The main difference between the two, is that in a whitehead, the pore has closed up which causes inflammation. The inflammation is present because the bacteria has now had a chance to multiply quickly. If the bacteria becomes very deep, developing a cyst or nodule is now a possibility.


As with blackheads, the best way to treat your skin is to wash it twice per day with a mild cleanser. These two types of acne usually respond quite well to over the counter treatments that contain benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid or you can follow some effective natural home remedy for acne.


 A papule is a blackhead or whitehead that has gotten deeper into the skin due to the wall of the pore rupturing.This can happen randomly or by picking at the skin, which is why it is recommended to not touch your skin, no matter how tempting it might be.


The reason the pore becomes even more inflamed is because when the pore wall ruptures, the body recognizes harm has come to it, and white blood cells go in to repair it. 


 A pustule is simply the next step after a papule has formed. After  few days, the white blood cells that rushed to fix the pore make their way to the surface. This is what people typically think of when they say that they have a zit. Although it is white like a whitehead, they are not the same thing. Whiteheads contain only sebum, dead skin cells and bacteria, while a pustule contains white blood cells as well. The “head” on this type of blemish is caused by the presence of the white blood cells so close to the surface of the skin, creating pus, hence the name. There is also much more swelling and possibly pain or discomfort. 



 There are different types of Acne that can become a really severe health condition, affecting large part of the body or face and disfigure the skin by deep scars with consequential embarrassment and stress. 

As severe form of Acne we classified 4 different kind of acne for which is better visit a Dermatologist following specific medication and treatment. 

 Nodule and Cystic Acne

 hese two types of acne are very similar, making it very difficult for an individual that is not trained medically to decipher between the two. It is characterized by a large, solid or semi-solid lesion that extends deeply into the layers of the skin. How to get rid of cystic acne can be very painful and incredibly difficult. This type of acne in fact can be related with hormonal unbalance and can leave deep scars very easily. How to treat cystic acne and any type of hormonal acne requires a long time from 6month to 1 or 2 year and an aggressive combined action. 



Some medicament might include isotretinoin or intralesional corticosteroids. In addition is always better to try to follow also some helpful cystic acne home remedy able to get rid of acne naturally,  adding Vitamin A and eating more foods that help fight acne.

Acne Conglobata

Acne conglobate is a severe type of acne that can cause deep, irregular scarring. It’s characterized by deep abscesses, inflammation, and severe damage to the skin. In this condition, acne nodules are surrounded by many papules and pustules, which slowly increase in size until the walls are all broken down, discharging a pus. Deep ulcers may also form under the nodules, leading to a large, raised scar. Although not much is known about acne conglobate, doctors do know that it is more common in males than females, that it typically occurs between ages 18 to 30, and it can flare up in acne that has been dormant for many years.


Most likely, an isotretinoin is used for treatment, possibly with an antibiotic used as well but is always better visit a doctor. The treatment can take over a year period and It’s highly suggested to continue to check up on it.

Acne Fulminans

This typically occurs very suddenly and is very destructive to the facial tissue because of the high degree of inflammation that occurs. This type is characterized by other severe acne types because it comes with pain and inflammation in the joints, especially the hips and knees, fever. This type of acne also may come with ulcerating acne and requires a long-term treatment.


This type of acne especially is treated with corticosteroids or other anti-inflammatory medications that do not contain steroids, as that would further worsen the problem, but contact a specialist Dermatologist is always suggested.

Gram Negative Folliculitis

This is not a simple acne type that can be determined by looking at your skin. Instead, this type of acne develops after years of antibiotic use. Gram-negative means a type of bacteria that does not respond to a dye that is used in laboratory settings. Essentially, this means that the type of bacteria that is causing your acne has become immune to the antibiotics usually prescribed. Your doctor will know what steps to take if this has occurred.

In any of this case, beside than try the natural remedy is always better to consult a dermatologist and keep in mind that it takes time and is a temporary condition, but never give up.  it can take a long time, sometimes years, to clear up the most severe acne types. Also, make sure that you do not discontinue any medications prescribed. Many of the medications can take a few months to work, and it may make the acne appear to be worse before it gets better.

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