Efficacy leaves waru



The parts used are leaves, roots, and flowers.


Leaf waru used for treatment: pulmonary tuberculosis, cough, shortness of breath, tonsillitis (tonsillitis), fever,
Blood and mucus in children, vomiting blood, inflammation of the intestines, ulcers, abscesses, Cassava poisoning, Hair fertilizer, hair loss, and maintain healthy hair.

Roots used to overcome: late menstruation, fever.

Flowers are used for treatment: inflammation of the eyes.

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For drugs taken, use fresh leaves as much as 50-100 g or 15-30 g of flowers. Boil and boil water is drunk.

For external use, grind the leaves of fresh waru to taste until smooth. Turapkan this herb on skin disorders, such as ulcers or rub on the scalp to prevent hair loss and as hair fertilizer.


Pulmonary TB

  1. Cut 1 pieces of fresh waru leaf, then wash as needed. Add 3 glasses of clean water, then boil until the water is left about 3/4 of it. Once cool, strain and add sugar water into the filter water, then drink, 3 times a day, each 3/4 cup drink.
    2.Provide leaf waru, Centella asiatica L.), and legundi leaves (Vitex trifolia L.) (each 1/2 handheld), 1/2 finger upas bidas (Merremia mammosa Lour.), 1 finger rhizome kencur (Kaempferia galanga L.), and 3 fingers of sugar enau. Wash all the ingredients, then cut into pieces as needed. Put it into a soil pot or email pan. Enter 3 cups drinking clean water, then boiled until the water remaining 3 / 4nya. Once cool, strain and filter water ready to drink, 3 times a day, each 3/4 cup.

Wash 10 sheets of fresh leaves, then cut into pieces as needed. Add 3 cups water to drink, then boiled until the water remaining 3/4 parts. After cold filter and filter water drunk, 3 times a day, each 1/3 part. Before drinking, add honey to taste.

Cough with phlegm
Wash 10 sheets of young waru leaves until clean, then add the rock sugar the size of a pigeon's egg. Add 3 cups water, then boil until the water remaining 3/4 parts. After cold, strain and filter water drunk, a day 3 times drink, each 1/3 part.

Wash 1 handful of fresh waru leaves, then boiled in 2 cups of clean water until the water remaining 1 1/2 cup stew. Once cool, strain and filter water used for gargle, continue to drink, 3-4 times a day, each time quite a sip.

Inflammatory bowel disease
Eat young waru leaves that are still bud as a salad.

Dysentery and mucus in children
Wash 7 sheets of young leaves (which are still buds) until clean. Add 1/2 cup water while kneading until the water thickens like jam. Add the palm sugar as big as peanuts while stirring until dissolved. Squeeze and strain using a piece of fine cloth. Drinking filter water at once.

Vomiting blood
Wash 10 sheets of fresh leaves until clean, then milled smooth. Add 1 cup of drinking water while kneading. Next, strain and add enough sugar water into the filter water, then drink at once.

Hair loss
Wash 30 fresh leaves of fresh leaves and 20 freshly ground leaves (Ceiba pentandra Gaertn.), Then milled until smooth. Add 2 tablespoons of castor oil and juice of 1 lime, stirring until blended. Strain the ingredients using a piece of cloth while squeezing. Use the juice to rub the scalp while lightly massaged. Do the afternoon after bathing, then wrap the hair with a towel or a piece of cloth. Next, wash your hair the next day. Do it 3 times a week.

Hair fertilizer
Wash 15 sheets of young leaves, then knead in 1 cup of clean water until the water is like jam. Next, squeeze and strain using a piece of cloth. Dew liquids accumulated overnight. The next morning, use the liquid to wet your hair and scalp. As a result, the head becomes cool and hair will grow more fertile.


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