Scrying mirror's vs Smart Phones, Tablets, Television etc. SEEN FROM AN OCCULT PERSPECTIVE :Your closest companionship(YOUR SMART PHONE) is a black mirror!!! COULD YOUR CELLPHONE BE A PORTABLE STEALT OCCULT WEAPON????

If one has looked a little into the occult esoteric knowledge, one have to wonder how does it effect the world that around 4 billion individuals owns and uses a scrying mirror ( portable stealth occult tool) also called a smartphone on a daily basis. "It literaly allows every individual to talk to anyone anywhere instantly, it holds most of "Human kind's" (public) knowledge, and can show us almost any location in the world with webcams"!!!

Scrying mirrors is a anciant art of clairvoyance, which can bring the user hidden information from other dimentions

Watch this 8 min video about scrying mirrors

Listen to "Richie from Boston's" examination/corelation between cellphone towers, cellphone, televisions, scrying mirrors and "patents of nervous system manipulation"

NotNewsChannel youtube channel
RichieFromBoston youtube channel

Thank for reading and watching. I think we as humanity is in a big trouble, particular because of all the destraction we as humanity is exposed too on a daily basis in the viritual world. We dont know how to deal with the real world anymore!!!

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