One Simple tip for Stress, Restless legs, cramps and general well-being

Read on if you have ever or currently experience symptoms such as twitches, restless legs, cramps, muscle spasms, fatigue, anxiety and/or stress, even migraines.

With today's hectic lifestyles we all don’t have the luxury of taking a dip in the Dead Sea or any sea for that matter on daily or regular basis. We push our bodies and drain our reserves of essential vitamins and minerals without really every properly replenishing them. This could be due to diet, lifestyle or more commonly good old STRESS. The assault on our digestive system with the western diet also plays a role in our ability to absorb key nutrients from our foods (if they actually still exist in them). It has been well documented our soils and water supplies are well depleted of essential minerals as well as contaminated with all sorts of nasties. Organic produce is not always an option but even then, there is no guarantee the soils used are optimal.

Magnesium. A mineral that everyone should have as part of their medicine cabinet arsenal. Research has shown we need it for well over 300 enzyme reactions in the body. But as there are at least nine types of Magnesium, and we all have different requirements and Oral supplementation, doesn’t always reach the areas of need. So, I want to focus on Magnesium chloride as it a remedy which is easily applied and available without professional advice and readily available to muscles and cells.

Why you may well ask? Without this mineral our muscles would be in a constant state of contraction. This contraction can cause pain.

This beauty, also known as magnesium oil, can be applied topically and spritzed on with absorption usually directed over the area of need, the benefits and relief are felt very quickly.

Magnesium chloride has the reputation for being one of the highest bio-availability’s of the mineral magnesium’s and although you can find it in capsule form, I like the fact I can target an area and have one less supplement I need to remember to take.

The trans-dermal application of this magnificent mineral:

• Has stopped restless legs. On numerous occasions I have had reports back that only one application was required with a few reports the average being 3 days before the annoying condition ceased! Yes, even pregnant ladies have thanked me for this useful tip!

• Inability to fall and stay asleep. When your mind just won’t shut down so your body is tenser, or even if your little cherub just won’t settle down for the night.

• Relieve headaches and prevent migraines. I am not saying it will prevent all migraines – often it will depend upon the cause of the migraine.

• Cramps – especially the ones that make you jump out of bed in the middle of the night holding your calf or foot? Ouch.

• Assists in a greater general feeling of well-being (think less irritable, less PMS, more at ease….) It helps relax and balance the nervous system

• Assist with the removal of toxins at a cellular level and rejuvenation of damaged skin, hair and teeth, and is very important for the regulation of blood pressure.

You can add 2-3 cups of magnesium chloride flakes to a warm bath and soak for 20 minutes or, if you a time poor like myself, try up to 8 sprays of a good Magnesium oil spray.

Actually, the magnesium oil isn’t oily at all. It can leave a salt residue on the skin. This is the one I have at home but there are plenty on the market.

Just make sure the oil is around 31 % magnesium chloride. Knowing this you can roughly say you are gaining approximately 100mg of elemental magnesium on the skin – of course this is a rough guide because each spray bottle delivers different amounts and there are just too many variables.

The real trick with the spray is to target areas to give maximum benefits.

So, what I have found:
• Restless legs – 2 sprays on the tops of the feet and 3 sprays at the base of the spine/sacrum area. You can either massage in or allow to dry naturally. The magnesium is delivered up and down the legs by the peripheral nervous system. Do this approximately ½ an hour prior to going to bed. Repeat each night for a week even if your restless legs stopped after the first night. You are building the stores of Magnesium up to prevent them. Keep an eye on the calendar and see when and if they return. Repeat the protocol when they return

• Insomnia and sleep – 2 sprays on the tops of the feet and try 2 sprays on the base of the neck. Do this 1/2 hr prior to sleep. Either massage in or allow to dry. For children just spray the tops of the feet, starting with one spray and increasing if required. You know your child best so start slow and increase up to 3 sprays only if needed.

• Leg Cramps spray 3 times directly to the affected area and try 3 sprays on the base of the spine. For prevention do 1-2 sprays to the tops of the feet and 3 sprays to the base of the spine. Apply ½ hr prior to sleep. Repeat for 7 days. After that keep the bottle handy by the bed in case your stores run out or carry with you in your gym bag to apply as required.

• Headaches/Migraines – 3 sprays to the back of the neck and massage to the neck area. Try 1-2 sprays to the top of the neck – right where you can feel your skull and neck meet. Also try spraying twice onto the hand and massage the temple area.

• General health and well-being – 2 sprays to the top of the neck, 2 to the top of the neck and I love to give my heart 2 sprays (it is after all a very important muscle). You can spray your shoulders, stomach, thighs – it is up to you! Never spray sensitive areas – especially eyes! Massage in if you like but let it dry as much as possible before covering over again.

When I first started using Magnesium oil I found I felt a bit of stinging. This is normal and can occur depending on how sensitive you are. Trying spraying a different spot, your skin will get used it.

For those worried about magnesium toxicity of upsetting the calcium/magnesium balance – don’t be. One of the first signs your body has had enough is loose bowels. If you find this to be a problem then simply stop spraying and wait until your body shows signs it requires more. Personally, I haven’t encountered anyone yet that couldn’t tolerate the daily dose. But I know you are probably out there!

As always, its your health and your choice. Always seek professional advice if ever you are in doubt or symptoms persist.

Best of health to you and always love living life!


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