How can we deal with Pain Problems whether that is emotional or physical illness? (Blog #6)

The First thing you will have to understand is how the system called life actually works. There are laws in the metaphysical world that we have to learn and obey the same way the laws in physics or any other law works. These laws are not written anywhere and they are not taught in any schools.

Please note that 50% of the solution to any problem in life, is to become aware where the problem is and how it is initiated. Thus understanding how the system of life works will give you a huge advantage

What are these laws and how the metaphysical world works?

1. Whatever we are experiencing at any given moment, is whatever is on the surface of our sub-conscious mind.

Experiencing could either be health problems or emotional problems. Every time we initiate a thought, this thought is stored on our sub-conscious mind. Legions and legions of negative thinking are continuously generated and are stored/ piled up there. Each thought is stacked on top of the previous one, the same way a stack of spring loaded plates, similar to the ones found in self service restaurants and where each new washed plate when is placed on top of the previous ones pushes them further down. You can take advantage of this principle by staking up on top of this stack positive thought/ feelings. How do we do this? By asking positive questions. Why do questions work? Because that is how thoughts are generated in the first place. Thoughts are always preceded by a question, maybe you are not aware of it, but this is how the system of duality works. We are a question and an answer at the same time. Asking questions is another concept you can take advantage in order to become very creative. Teach this concept to your kids also, when they are writing essays. We start by asking and writing down as many questions as you can think off. For example let us say you want to write an essay about a “table”. How many things can you write? However if you ask the following questions see how many things you can write.
• How wide is it?
• How tall is it?
• What color is it?
• What is it made off, wood or plastic?
• What shape does it have, round or square?
• How many legs does it have?
• What shape do the legs have?
• What is its purpose?
• What else can we use it for?
• Who is using it?
• In what room is it used?
• Etc. You can go on and on

2. Our thoughts are continuously generated and never stop because we are living sub-consciously. We are on the 2nd stage of our evolution.

...What does “sub-consciously” mean? This means that while we are driving or while somebody is talking to us our mind is thinking something else. We are not actually listening to what the other person is telling us. We are NOT living in the present. That is the reason we are not happy and do not enjoy the life we deserve. Instead of being present in your environment and allow ourselves to feel and enjoy the beautiful scenery, the fresh smell of the sea and the beautiful sounds of birds, waves etc, we are playing continuously scenarios and events from our past memories, preoccupying ourselves with negative thoughts/ problems. This gives us very little chances to enjoy our lives since we are not experiencing life directly but we are experiencing life indirectly through our past or future memories and worrying about them. That is why when you go out in bar with music, we feel that we are having fan because our attention is on the music and the actions of the people dancing around us, thus stopping our continuous negative dialog that we have between ourselves. In essence we bring our awareness to the present moment by concentrating on our environment.

3. The other key thing to understand, is the relation between thoughts and feelings which are DIRECTLY RELATED.

This is how we are experiencing life. There is no way to think of something and not to have a relevant feeling sensation expressed on our physical body. In other words, in order for us to have the feeling of sadness on our body we have to bring a sad event/ story in our mind. The same thing is happening, in most cases, when we are experiencing a health pain problem. The actual pain experience we are having on our body, is actually coming directly from the images we are creating in our mind. We are replaying the previous pain experienced scenarios in our head and this as said before, is automatically translated as feeling sensation back to our body. Have you ever experience a case where just before you felt the migraine headache coming, for some reason you got busy and you forgot about it? I am pretty sure that nobody experiences pain continuously, 24 hours a day especially when we are having a busy schedule. Pain just comes and goes. Pain mainly comes when we start our overthinking. Just check it out, when do you start feeling the pain?
Do NOT try to understand this concept intellectually by using logic, you just have to try it by testing it yourselves, by feeling its full effects directly. This is how we progress, by going through life experiences. Even if we tell our kids not to touch the stove he/ she will not learn unless he/ she actually get burned. Logic and feeling are two different things where both have to be developed in parallel. You CAN NOT use your logic to solve a feeling problem. You cannot remove fear by using logical reasoning. That is why we have to use our emotions, by feeling them and accepting them fully.

Letting go/ embracing/ accepting “bad” feelings, helps us to remove both, the resistance we have inside of us and the emotional intensity.
• Reducing emotional intensity reduces the number of repeated negative thinking generated and piling up, on our sub-conscious mind.
• Removing Resistance is similar to the wind blowing on our body where we are allowing this wind to pass through us. The opposite of course happens when you are resisting our feelings by refusing to accept them, the wind will be pushing harder on your physical body.

Our feelings are just giving us messages. We have to learn our lesson/ message and move on otherwise the same things will keep repeating, until we decide to accept them. Have in mind that this repeated life experience can appear in different forms and shape, but at the end the key feeling inside of us will be exactly the same.

4. We live the relative reality because we interpret everything through the filter of our awareness, by making judgments or giving our personal meanings from on our previous life experiences.

The thing I am trying to say here is similar to the case where we are looking at a glass of water which is half full. We can either look at it as half empty or half full. The feeling we get when we view it as half full is different from the feeling we get when we view it is half empty.

Let me give you another example from real life experiences.
• A friend of mine was complaining about her work, that everybody was calling her about work related problems instead of the assigned person in charge. By referring back to our previous example, (glass of water) then, she could either view it as nuisance and get upset over it, or view it from the perspective that everybody liked her better than the other assigned person, thus respecting her and considering her superior. What a difference. We are all chasing after this feeling, the feeling of “feeling important”.

What is the message here? Every time that we are experiencing something is because we are only seeing only one side of the coin. Just start checking the things you dislike or upset you and see the other perspective. Why do you have to do this exercise? Because Life is mirroring back to us the things we need change deep inside of us.

Even the beliefs we have about ourselves/ identity are not real. We made them up while growing up. If for example when you went for the first time to kindergarten or 1st grade and you did NOT do well on your first math test then that convinced you that you are no good with math. Then this became your reality, and your personal identity.

Life is like a giant school, that we came here on earth to learn and expand. Do not take your bad experiences personally and blame yourself. This the worst thing you can do to yourself

5. The life span of a cell in our body is for only 3 months.

Each of our Body cell is renewed every three months, proven also scientifically. So why then, the disease in our body does not go away? They do not go away because the new created cells are built based on your old existing pattern way of thinking. This clearly means that each disease is directly related to your way of thinking. That is why during the plague of the Middle Ages, where a lot of people died, others survived and did not get affected, because they had a different belief system than the rest. Even though there is general belief that some diseases are hereditary this is not true. You do not get cancer or diabetes or whatever else, because your mother or father had it. You get it because you adapt the same beliefs system as your parents. See below some examples for this correlation between thinking & sickness

  • Headaches – Related to perfectionism and how strict we are with ourselves
  • Stomach intestine problems – Related to fear, security and lack of self confidence
  • Lower back pain – related to financial worries and support from other people

In Summary

The 1st step is becoming aware of what is playing on the TV of your mind, which will help you tremendously. Just check if the thoughts you are having in your head are actually reliving experiences from yesterday’s pain event. The 2nd step is to stop this negative thinking by replacing them with things that you really enjoy doing or even thinking/ dreaming off, because whatever you are feeling at any instant at any moment is coming directly from the video which is running in your head. The 3rd step is to change the beliefs (see Byron Katie free pdf book )and the labels you use to address yourselves, like “I will never heal”, “I do not have a chance”, “it will never go away”, “I do not have a chance of getting better” etc.

Decide to change your beliefs, your way thinking because if you do NOT then you are going to get exactly the same results you are currently getting. This is how our operating system is upgraded to at least “Window 95”! This works because we are removing all bugs/ glitches (beliefs) that keeps crushing our operating system.

Albert Einstein definition of insanity is “doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting to get different results”

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