How to Obliterate a Cold/Flu Before it Starts

'Tis the season, they say. Cold and Flu season, that is. I am happy to report that I have not suffered from the flu in many years. I have never had a flu shot and I haven't been to the Doctor for sickness in around a decade. My kids, never knowing anything else, ask for these natural treatments as soon as they start to feel yucky. It's amazing how they have avoided the countless trips to the emergency room and rounds of antibiotics that their peers have taken.


Here is what we do:

1.) Take a VERY hot ginger bath. When I am feeling ill, a ginger bath is my first line of defense. I fill the tub with water as hot as I can stand it and mix in 1-2 tablespoons of ginger powder. For those without access to a bathtub, soaking only the feet is surprisingly effective and relaxing. You can use just about any container that you can fit your feet and some hot water in and use only 1 teaspoon of ginger powder. I really like using dried ginger powder because it is more powerful and less messy than fresh. Ginger has a number of recognized health benefits, including calming nausea and restoring proper digestion. It is anti-inflammatory, and helps to relieve sore achy muscles and clear the sinuses. It also promotes intense sweating which is great for detox!! Depending on how I feel, I will also add dead sea (or epsom) salt and various essential oils (eucalyptus, lavender) and some baking soda to my bath. Lay in the bath for about thirty minutes for full effect. You will feel light headed and sweat A LOT. That is your body fighting the virus off! During the bath, be sure to drink as much cool, clean water as needed. I like to end my bath with a "cool down" period where I start run lukewarm water through the shower and let it fall onto my head. I slowly bring up the amount of cold water, going back and forth from warm to cooler. This change in temperature helps to open up the sinus and relieve pressure and tension in the head and neck.

2.) Drink ACV. As I am taking a bath, I pour myself a generous helping (2-3oz) of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (with the mother), dilute it with an equal amount of water and slowly sip. Since it tastes terrible, I will usually use my water as a chaser. Apple Cider Vinegar is a serious treatment that works on so many different chronic illnesses, the common cold or flu virus do not stand a chance. It is especially effective if you start taking it when symptoms first show up before the sickness has taken hold of the body.

3.) Peroxide in Ears. Sounds weird, but until you have tried it, you have no idea how awesome this treatment is. Start by pouring some hydrogen peroxide (3%, drugstore stuff) into the cap of the bottle. Lay on one side and pour a few drops of peroxide into the exposed ear. There should be some bubbling. More intense bubbling equals more bacteria and germs. Leave the peroxide in your ear until all the bubbling has stopped. This can be anywhere from 5-15 minutes. Turn over and let drain your ear into a towel or cloth. You should feel A LOT of pressure leaving your head. Repeat the process with the other ear.

That's it! If you use all three of these treatments at the first sign of sickness, you will kill any virus/bacteria dead quick!

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