Dear friends,

Every time I wake up in the morning, the first thing that comes to my mind is the condition of my right leg. I ask myself if it swells, is the muscle wasting is getting okay, or is the muscle wasting is getting worse? If I am still in the bed, I lost my excitement to wear shorts and conscious to raise my leg, get the sewing tape measure, and compare both leg sizes. Then the result depresses me for no improvement.

Two weeks ago, I had another checkup for my muscle atrophy and I will be observing the result for another 2 months without injection. The doctor prescribes another treatment for 2 weeks such as Eperisone hydrochloride Myonal 50 mg 3 times a day for 2 weeks. It can strengthen my legs along the workout and rebuild my muscles. I was also given Celexocib Celebrex 200 mg from Pfizer for 70 pesos (1.37 USD) for my right knee swelling, twice a day dosage after every twenty-five minutes.

My physician provided a discount card for Celexocib and the RX Lyrica 50 mg from Pfizer for my nerves and joint pain to pay less. 

My First Check Up

Four years ago, I was diagnosed to a hospitalist in Maternity Hospital, Butuan city because both my of knees, hands, feet, shoulders, neck, back, and teeth swelled. He checked my blood, urine, eyes, and heart but everything was normal. He asked if there are patients in my genes who have rheumatoid arthritis and it was a big yes on the paternal side. But it perplexed me why they are treated quickly by natural treatments and one take of NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs). Rheumatoid arthritis is not treatable for massaging therapy while there is still a swelling. The best way to do is to undergo icing therapy for 15 minutes. This icing treatment can also cure a workout injury and warm water. Just take a bottle with warm water to rub the affected area, then the tissue is relaxed.

 Because the doctor suspected I had rheumatoid arthritis, he prescribed Paracetamol, Alaxan, and Diclofenac. For two weeks of taking the medications, the pain I felt was gone but eventually keep coming back if I skip the day to take. Every time I urinate, the smell of my urine smells those drugs but never had an improvement. I was desperate to find a cure but stopped taking the drug because of their side effects. The doctor said that Amoxicillin and Paracetamol are safer except Diclofenac that can weaken our bones for a prolong medication. So, I stopped the drug and picked those natural cures.

Garlic: Anti-Inflammatory Cure

My mother's friend who had rheumatoid arthritis advised me to drink the garlic's juice twice a day because it was the only natural treatment that cured her joint pain she suffered for one year. These days, she is okay. The procedure is to mince the garlic, prepare 1 glass of water, pour down the minced garlic to the glass and drink. 

Garlic is an effective treatment for inflammation and has a cleaning agent to release the toxins from our body. 

So, even it was harder for me to move, I grated garlic every day and consumed for two months. In fairness, the joint pains were alleviated but not totally. Since it was a natural therapy, expecting a faster result shall be avoided. It has no side effects but my body did not smell good, so I stopped. The pain did not come back after skipping one week to drink its pulp and juice. I was bliss and free to move, jog, and hike every 2-5 kilometers. Every morning, my cousin and I jogged 10 kilometers and never tired. In fact, I begged him to add 5 kilometers but he was supertired. It was fun after reactivating the energy I had. 

The Doctor Suspected I had Rheumatoid Arthritis

When we arrived home, the knee pain again swelled. It was the day I noticed a little muscle loss of my right leg. When the mother saw it, she said it was normal if there is a swelling but will be alright. My aunt added I was just overthinking because she did not saw the loss even a little. It bothered me inside so I researched on the Internet of its causes and treatment. According to my research, it occurs if a person has a prolonged inactivity in working his muscles but is treatable by cardio. So, my daily routine was 100 squats every 3 days of 7 days, and 2 days jog. I further tried yoga and planking. However, the more that I exercised, the more that the muscle wasting becomes worse and the inflammation keeps coming back. So, I went back to the doctor. I was asked if there is one member of my paternal and maternal side with a bone cancer. My answer was of course negative. In fact, both sides are healthy but have rheumatoid arthritis. After the tests, everything was normal. Then, I never went back to him again but continued to take Diclofenac NSAID (NonSteroid Inflammatory Drugs) with Corticosteroid adviced by the pharmacist who was a physician too. I took both twice a week due to my fear of those negative effects soon. I maintained both medications for 3 months but still, I sought a medication that is not over the counter. 

Cataflam and Dexamethasone: the New Cures

When my grandpa invited to attend his seminar for 3 days, I forgot to bring the medications I supposed to prioritize in my trip. I was just crying secretly to the room if my companies go out as I felt like a robot who can't move flexibly. My shoulders and hips were painful if I sat down. In the morning, I noticed the maximum hair fall at the shower especially when I comb my hair. Even if sat down, the white tile was messy to look at because they just fall. It scared me, so I avoided combing it when after I wash. But I ignored that enigma because my priority was my joint. Later, I told my grandpa to buy me my medication because I cannot hide the muscle pain anymore. The pharmacist gave him the branded name of Diclofenac that is Cataflam and Dexamethasone for Corticosteroid. The pain did not come back of skipping one week in taking but the swelling comes back after exercise. Because I observed it comes back after my hard work in exercising, I stopped to work out for one year yet continued to maintain Cataflam 50 mg and Dexamethasone.

The Side Effects of Dexamethasone and Cataflam

I knew that Dexamethasone has many side effects like hair fall, muscle loss, moon face, acne, nausea, cataract, vomiting, and can affect internal organs, but I was taking the risk because I did not have the choice to relieve the swelling and pain. Diclofenac (Cataflam as a branded name) can weaken our bones.

For the next years, I maintained both medications and gained weight. My only focus was to work, ignored the leg problem, and did not save money. Then, I was a moon face with a bloated stomach, acne in face and back, and spoiled my appetite who was like a pig that ate everything on the table. Then I only sleep 3 hours every day then hair fall became worst. I was always prioritizing my job than sleeping too much. I suspected that falling hair is the outcome of never disciplining myself and for sure, the side effect of Dexamethasone and Cataflam. There were 100 strands a day with hair follicles fall when I wash it and combing. It was frightening so I went to another physician who I thought can resolve my dilemma because I did not trust my previous doctor. He made tests but again, everything is normal. He suspected I have rheumatoid arthritis and prescribed Paracetamol for my joint pain.
In this picture is my friend (left) and I (right) on our biking and swimming activity. This happened after my sister's wedding.
He further adviced to exercise at least 3 times a week to remove the stress that caused my hair fall. He reminds me to sleep at the right time and consume 6-8 hours. He advised in increasing my physical activity such as squatting, push up, yoga, and lounges because he also noticed the gaining of weight I had which was not normal. 

Hairfall and How I Treated?

Telling my hair fall problems to my friends, many of them advised using Nuvo Hair lotion and shampoo, Apple Cider Vinegar, and Castor Oil. But none of this treatment improved my problem may be because I was impatient to wait for the result. I used the Nuvo Hair lotion every night before bed until the morning, but I cannot cope the hair fall falling out to my pillow and its strong smell so I stopped. I used castor oil for 1 month, but I didn't like to see hair fall in my shoulders and pillow just like my experience in Nuvo Hair. I used Apple Cider vinegar but with the strong smell and the effort, I stopped. So now my hair is thinner. But I still seek treatment to come back the thick hair I had before. My method at the moment to avoid massive hair fall is not to comb when it is wet and avoid using a hairdryer. The hot air from the hairdryer is one of the reasons why we experience hair fall. Using electric fan that produces normal air temperature is wiser.

These days, because I don't work a lot, I notice a few hair growing on my forehead and encounter less hair fall a day. If I sleep around 12am-2 am, the hairfalls become worse, so now I realize that stress is the main causes of my hair fall not just the effect of Dexamethasone and Cataflam. 

Acne: Clindamycin and Dalacin-C as Cure

I was also battling a back and face acne that scared me so much because I looked like a monster. Fortunately, it was treated when I maintained an astringent mixed with Clindamycin (generic product) or Dalacin-C ( branded). The price depends on how many milligrams we want but I observed that the effect is just the same.

Food Starving

Another side effect caused by Dexamethasone is our nonstop craving for foods. Even if one plate of rice was not enough for me and I was fury to a one member of my family that only cooks 3 glasses of rice the fact that I did not like to encounter a food shortage. Many people said I looked like my mom because mom is a big woman. 

Changing Skin Color

While gaining some weight, I also noticed of my brown skin became fairer. I also had a firm skin. Then, my heartbeat was abnormal that pumped faster even if I did not drink a coffee. 

When I exercise, the pain in my right leg comes back but I stopped to take Dexamethasone and Cataflam for one year.

My First Diagnosis to a Neurologist

The swelling is never gone so I again went to another physician in Manuel G. Santos Hospital who is a neurologist. Instead if lifting up my spirit, she scared a lot that maybe my patella is damaged and asked 4 thousand pesos for a whole body X-Ray.

She then prescribed Celexocib. She was mad why I took Cataflam and Dexamethasone and predicted I'll feel many side effects when I'll be 25. So I didn't come back to her. As a physician, she should encourage and talk politely to her patients. 

My New Orthopedic

In December 2016, I met the best Orthopedic in Butuan city who is Dr. Jay Asuncion and then I narrated my story. I said that at my age of 24, I get tired easily and feel the mood swings. I lost interest in some way to do my hobbies because I am fatigued.

Next, he prescribed Celecoxib and Lyrica along with my workout activity that is swimming, cardio, jogging, biking, and weightlifting.
For two months, I worked out without excuses and lose weight but then I noticed that the more that I lose weight, the more that the muscle loss in my right leg becomes obvious. The doctor reminds me that the only thing to regain the hamstring is to exercise because even medicines, injections, and massage will not treat it. 

This year in March, my orthopedic injected NSAID to my right knee to prevent swelling but still an over the counter. Luckily, the swelling doesn't come back for 6 months but last month, the swelling hit another area. Before, the affected caused by inflammation is my lateral collateral ligament in right knee but now is the medial collateral ligaments. I thought I cannot encounter a swelling again so he planned to inject me NSAID this month, but because I missed paying the PhilHealth 2nd quarter, he postponed it in December because I only paid it this month.

The PhilHealth employee explained that if only I paid the 2nd quarter from April-June, I can use it now. My orthopedic is just concern for the injection bill for 4000 pesos which is very expensive, but if my Philhealth insurance is active, it'll be free. My doctor said it is fine as long as I exercise and take the medications he prescribed. 

25 Years of Age is not Energetic Anymore

Now that I am 25, there are strange feelings I feel in my body. One of those feelings is losing interest in many things and weak. But I am still lucky because the other symptom like heart beats faster is gone when I stopped maintaining corticosteroid. Further, my hair fall is slowly recovering. I remembered a few years back when my friend @iyanpol and Bojel called me a wonder woman because I was very fruitful and active. My PayPal received huge money every week but this time, even just one blog, I'm tired easily. After blogging, I'd like to sleep the whole day and night. 


*Be contented with what you have and accept for who you are. I dreamed too much to achieve the body I wished but the outcome is my suffering for many years. 

*Willing to sacrifice and be patient because your turn will come that God has set. I was impatient to wait for the result of my activities so I tried my best to do the hard workouts that cause my right leg injured and losing a tissue. 

*Always take care of our body and know it first before taking further actions. Our body is our solid foundation to reach our goals and if we become sick, reaching our goals is 50-50. 

DISCLAIMER: Content and illustrations are original.

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