First Steroid Cycle Guide: Safe and Simple

Gym culture is now more popular than ever. This rise in popularity is commonly correlated with the increasingly present societal pressure to look good. For many young adults and teenagers the pressure is so great that they succumb to injecting exogenous hormones in their body to facilitate their path to achieving the perfect physique. In other words they turn to steroids.

Whilst I am NOT condoning steroid usage, there are safe ways to do it. So this article is for those who are going to take steroids and are not sure how to go about it. Historically, steroids have received much undeserved negative media attention, which has created the currently established poor reputation of the drug. In reality steroid usage is much more common than you are led to believe; professional athletes pretty much all take performance-enhancing drugs and steroids are no exception. Fitness models and personalities are more likely than not taking steroids among other drugs to look good. This has without a doubt helped spark the aforemetioned societal pressure to look good. Because these fitness models and personalities have now set the "looks standard" higher many impressionable young adults wish to look like them. And unfortunately steroids are a requirement.

The fist step of any cycle is deciding which compound(s) to take:
A little know fact to the general public is that there are a multitude of steroids to choose from, all with different effects, dosages and popularity. For first time users it is highly recommended to start with a single compound at the time. This allows to user to learn how their body reacts to single compounds and their possible side effects, without other drugs at play. Look at it this way: if you start with 4 different steroids and you experience an undesired side effect you will have no clue what cause that effect. The standard recommendation is to start with the male hormone: Testosterone. There exist various kinds of Test, which I recommend learning about yourself however I would highly recommend Testosterone Enanthate, also known as Primoteston.

Testosterone has relatively little side effects and for new users is more than enough to gain considerable size and strength. The long Enanthate ester means that it must be injected less frequently as it remains in the body for longer (maximum twice a week). I highly recommend injectable compounds over oral ones to avoid liver damage. Testosterone is also easy to find, which can be a problem of other drugs.

Now for dosages:
I cannot stress the importance of dosages enough, to avoid unwanted side effects and see appropriate results the dosage must be perfect. Testosterone dosages are:

Low: Under 500 milligrams per week
Moderate: 500 milligrams to 750 milligrams per week
High: Over 750 milligrams per week

A beginner should use no more than 500 milligrams a week.

Cycle Length:
In order to attain the desired results and minimize the risk of natural Testosterone suppression the length of the cycle is of paramount importance. Usually a cycle lasts for a maximum of 12 weeks, while this can and has been done by first time users, I recommend a shorter 8 week cycle.

Post Cycle Therapy:
PCT refers to compound to take upon completing the cycle to suppress undesirable side effects. Many users never even run a PCT and experience little side effects, however if safety is your priority (it should be!) you should have a PCT. The two most economic and popular options are Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate) and Nolvadex (Timoxifen Citrate).

100 milligrams of Clomid is to be taken every day for 4 weeks.

20 milligrams of Nolvadex is also to be taken every day for 4 weeks.

These compounds will ensure that your natural testosterone levels will recuperate completely. Another common unwanted side effect is Gynecomastia which is the formation of breast tissue in males. It is caused by the surge of the female hormone Estrogen after the cycle. While being a very common side effect it is easily avoidable with the use of Aromatise Inhibitors. The options are Letrozole, Arimidex or Exemestane. One of these should be used at the first sign of any formation of Gynecomastia. Do not use any if there is no sign of Gynecomastia.

Do not start any cycle without first having all the needed compounds.

So to summarize:
-A total ~400 milligrams of Testosterone Enanthate per week for (to be injected twice a week)
-Cycle length of 8-12 weeks (advisable to do 8 weeks for first timers)
-PCT of Nolvadex/Clomid for 20 milligrams/100 milligrams per day for 4 weeks
-Use of Aromatise Inhibitors at the first signs of Gynecomastia

I would like to reiterate that steroids are illegal drugs and I do not condone any usage, especially if you are very young (less than 25). Best of luck and I would be glad to answer any questions!

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