Kicking Autism's A$$ : Update from CBD oil usage and next steps in heavy metal detoxing!

My name is Kim and I started a GoFundMe for my son Patrick.

This Is Patrick, I shared his story in a previous blog post when I was asking the Steemit Community to help me get some CBD oil for him. Here is a link to that post I wrote which tells his whole story: Meet Patrick
Readers digest version; I was physically abused by my soon to be ex husband while I was pregnant with Patrick. I believe that in combination with my mercury poisoning from in the womb and breast feeding is what caused Patrick's heavy metal poisoning, aka by western medicine standards Autism.
I have been using natural methods to detox him and it gets better every day. We started out with smoothies that pull the heavy metals, then we added Nascent Iodine, Colloidal Gold , then in time I added CBD oil occasionally to his regimen when he wants it.

I wish I could show you all the progress he has made but unfortunately my soon to be ex husband broke my cell phone and took everything of value when he left his children to "be free".

So let me just briefly share:
The smoothies stopped his self injurious behavior. He would try to run his head
into walls whenever he would get upset.
The Iodine and environment change was a huge help! He started socializing with other people and kids to, he barely ever acknowledged anyone else unless he wanted something before that. He also loved having 3 acres of land to roam instead of being cooped up in a building all day and night.
Then we added Colloidal Gold, which really helped with his language skills. He
used to say Momma before his symptoms started getting really bad, then he
stopped speaking all together and would just scream. Anyway the colloidal gold
really helped with this aspect. He would watch learning shows and try to mimic
the word they used. He only used one word at a time but it was a start. His
speech has been the slowest progressing item.
Then we started the cbd oil earlier this year. On the very first day he started to
pee on the potty! At 4 years old I was very concerned that he might be wearing
diapers forever. I was so very excited when this step came. Although pooing was a different story. This first videowas taken right before he started the cbd oil.

So then as fate would have it we were introduced to the next thing that would help Patrick's progress in the beginning of June. I was answering calls for the ecovillage community I live in about one of the products we recommend to people. A gentleman named Allen called to ask about our 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide and it's benefits and during that phone call we started talking about BEMER .

I had not heard of BEMER before so I started asking Allen questions. I was fascinated with the information he gave me. I invited Allan to come for an event we were having at the community so he could offer people free sessions. To try it out.

Allen and his lovely wife Roberta came over for three days straight during our
event and let everyone try out the amazing BEMER.

First of all Allen and Roberta were just amazing people all around. It was such a pleasure having them here. Then for them to let everyone try out this awesome piece of technology at no cost was beyond exciting. I felt so amazing after my first session on this machine I barely wanted to leave the room for the whole three days they were here. With the mercury poisoning I have been detoxing for years, I felt better than I had since I was a child and honestly I'm not so sure I felt even that good as a child! Not only did I experience immediate relief from many areas of pain in my body but I could breath better, I wasn't having my normal issues with the bathroom, I was super energized, the list goes on and on. Besides all the physical benefits my whole mental outlook got a make over as well. When I entered a room instead of thinking "What do I need to do?" I thought to myself "What can I do?" as to how much I could accomplish instead of just giving myself a few tasks. With this being my trial experience I couldn't' wait for my son to try it out. I had watched a video, about a mother who's son was able to try out the BEMER for 9 weeks.

So as soon as I was done with my first session my son climbed right into the chair like he just new it was good. He sat there the whole 20 min. I'm not sure he has ever sat anywhere for 20 minutes before. That night was the first time he pooped on the potty as well and he consistently has since then! I was so excited and I just knew it was from that amazing machine. The next two days my son basically wanted to hang out with me in the same room they were doing the BEMER sessions since it radiates out.

Even though we only had those three days with BEMER, Patrick is STILL showing improvements each day. Over the last few weeks he has started bringing me his tooth brush and paste each day so I can put it on there for him to brush his own teeth. A task I previously held and it was a struggle to get him to allow me to do it each day. Like I said he was pooing on the potty regularly and even does most of the wiping himself afterward. With a little practice he will be very good at it. He makes a lot more eye contact with people and he is trying to say many words, even a few at a time.

The most amazing this so far is that yesterday he called me Momma when he needed help with something. He hasn't addressed me or anyone else since he was 1 1/2 years old and he will be 5 years old in December! Even more than I am so happy to hear him say that is I am so happy for him to say it because it shows his progress in detoxing the metals from his brain! I worry constantly about what kind of life he will have when I'm gone.

Will anyone love him or even try to communicate with him?

I am again hopeful that his healing is going steadily better each day!

Now the only issue is us getting a BEMER for full time use AND for us to share with whomever needs/wants it benefits! The $6400 I'm going to raise for my son to get a BEMER will not only pay for the BEMER for him, but I can also give sessions to people in need or something more long term to help earn money for my family! My soon to be ex-husband doesn't contribute one penny to the care of his children. He wasn't even around for the birth of the last one in March of this year. So for a mother taking care of three children, one with severe heavy metal poisoning, this BEMER would be a game changer.

I understand there are hundreds of thousands of children out there with an Autism diagnosis. That means there are hundreds of thousands of parents out there thinking there is nothing they can do to help their child live a better life, and that is just not true!

Patrick can be the example out there for all the other children! I'm going to keep sharing all his progress on here and I hope you feel he is worth while for a donation. He is just the sweetest little boy who gets very frustrated not being able to express himself and this BEMER will continue to help!

Thank you and Bless ~

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