benefits of soursop fruit

Soursop that has Latin language Annona Muricata is a plant originating from America. In Indonesia itself, this fruit is easy to find because it can grow easily diiklim tropical. Soursop meat that is ripe is marked with white color and there are black seeds in it.
In the fruit, soursop fiber stores food into the non-nutritional substances. The fiber content reaches 3.3 grams in every 100 grams of meat. Some minerals such as calcium and minerals are also found in soursop fruit.
The existence of these contents, making soursop fruit nutritious for health. Then, what are the benefits of soursop fruit that can be obtained? Check out the explanation below.

  1. Improving Immune System or Immune System
    the benefits of the first soursop fruit that can be used to improve the body's immune system. Yes, this is because the soursop fruit contained compounds such as acetogennis and muriapentocin which serves to remind the immune system so that the body will not be susceptible to disease. For that, you can eat this one fruit to be juice or eaten directly at least 2 times a week.

  2. Assist Hemoglobin Production
    Who would have thought that the benefits of soursop fruit can also produce hemoglobin. This is because of the substance riboflavin where its function to help the production of red blood cells so that blood cells can be enough to flow oxygen throughout the body. With a smooth blood flow, then the performance of vital organs will run well.

  3. Maintain Digestive Health
    Digestive problems such as constipation are usually due to intestinal difficulty to absorb nutrients when the digestive process takes place. For that needed vitamin B2 that will help protect the mucosal membrane condition of the intestine so that the digestive system can run well. The existence of it then automatically digestive problems such as diarrhea and constipation usually resolved well.
    It is time to say goodbye to constipation that often makes the stoma>quotech tormented and twisted only with soursop fruit.

  4. Fighting Cancer
    A number of studies chose vitamin C as a research object and showed if the vitamin can fight cancer by inhibiting cell development. Not only that, the benefits of soursop fruit from vitamin C can reduce the effects of chemotherapy such as

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