Sciencepic@Yarsagumba;THE BIOLOGICAL GOLD

Hello friends ,today i give you some information about the Yarsagumba ,which is also called biological gold.

       image credit-THE DIPLOMAT

Yarsagumba is a fungus " HIMALAYAN VIGRA"


 Yarsagumba is a unique caterpillar-fungus fusion that occurs when parasitic mushroom spores (Ophiocordyceps sinensis) infect and mummify a ghost moth larva living in the soil. A spindly fungus later sprouts from the dead caterpillar host’s head. 

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 Yarsa gumba are about two to six centimeters long, the fungus shoots above the soil, acting as a tiny, finger-shaped flag for harvesters to find. This peculiar hybrid is the world’s most expensive biological resource. Yarsagumba thrives in the picturesque peaks of the Himalayas, at altitudes of between 3000 and 5000 meters, in Nepal, India and Bhutan, and also on the “roof of the world” — the Tibetan Plateau. In Tibet, it’s called “Yartsa gunbu,” which translates to “summer grass winter worm.” 


1)It was used as a traditional chinese medicine 2000 years,the caterpillar fungus is used for increasing the energy and vitality.

2)It also stregthen lung and kidneys,treat cancer and asthma.

3)Most commonly it is used to cure impotence and boost libido and it also increase  the semen.

IT COST $100 per gram.

 Resource Conflict: a Side Effect of “Biological Gold”News of a gruesome crime emerged from the remote mountains of Nepal a few years ago. In Manang District, close to the Nepal-Tibet border, a large posse of local men and boys, upon hearing of interlopers picking yarsagumba in their meadows, beat two of the suspected poachers to death, throwing their bodies down a deep crevasse before rounding up the remaining five, reportedly killing them with sticks and stones. In November 2009, six men were sentenced to life imprisonment and 13 others were convicted as accomplices in the mass murders.This year has also proved to be a violent one.Dolpa District is a fertile caterpillar fungus province, where about 40 percent of the country’s supply is sourced. In June, Dolpa was hit by a tragedy that raises important questions about resource management and the rights of indigenous peoples in remote mountain communities. 




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