A Conversation with a Doctor πŸ’Š 14/1/18 πŸ’‰

Hey Steemers,
Dr Rupak and co.jpg
Recently, my house mate Bhu, who is also my landlord mentioned that he attended a community information sharing session where a Dr Rupak discussed the topic of water including:

-How healthy is tap water? 🚰
-What chemicals and pathogens does tap water potenitally contain?
-What do you need to filter from tap water to make it safe to drink?
-How is tap water treated by the city?
-Outbreaks of viruses or pathogens in city water πŸŒ†

I was curious to learn more about Dr Rupak and water so I asked Bhu about him. Dr Rupak is an environmental scientist. He has spent time in various institutes as shown below, I got this image from one of his presentation invitations.


Bhu and I invited Dr Rupak to come and talk to us at our home to explain more about water filtration. We also talked about many other things.

-First of all, Adelaide tap water. Should we drink it? No, according to Dr Rupak. 🚱

Why? Adelaide water contains varying levels of chlorine and chemicals which are not good for us to consume over long periods of time. These chemicals can be carcinogenic and can cause all sorts of problems within our body. The reason why the water is chlorinated is to kill most pathogens in the water in the first place, but this does not remove unwanted minerals or heavy metals from the water such as arsenic, mercury, lead or even rust from old pipe infrastructure.
water kettle.jpg
Now for me, I used to boil all my tap water before I drank it when I was living in Mount Gambier as there is a high calcium concentration in the water. I thought that maybe doing this would kill most pathogens in the water and also remove calcium but I learned recently that it depends on what type of calcium compound is in the water that determines if it will be removed. This link explains this in some more detail: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/science/triple_ocr_gateway/chemistry_out_there/hardness_of_water/revision/1/
I knew that boiling the water did indeed remove at least some calcium as the inside of the kettle calcified over time, however there was no need to boil the water to kill pathogens as the chlorine additive does that task. The tap water in Adelaide where I live has not created any calcium deposits on the kettle and so there is no benefit to pre-boiling the water before drinking it, however boiling water can be beneficial and is recommended when there is an outbreak of a pathogen in the water supply.

Calcium works in hand with Vitamin D. Vitamin D helps the body utilise calcium more effectively as it acts to greatly increase the ability for the intestines to absorb calcium from food. So if your doctor tells you to take vitamin D supplements to combat your vitamin D deficiency, then you also need enough calcium in your diet to support the increase in vitamin D in your body.
This website is a great source of more information regarding this topic: http://endocrinediseases.org/parathyroid/parathyroid_calcium.shtml
Vitamin D deficiency is one of the most common types of deficiencies in the world.

-Fish oil quality
To determine whether the oil in a fish oil tablet is best for you to consume, you can conduct the Styrofoam cup test. This test gives you an idea of whether the fish oil has been processed in a way that allows our body to best utilise its benefits as shown in the video below:

Bhu and I tested the Ethical Nutrients high strength fish oil below using the styrofoam test with Dr Rupak and it passed.
Now I wonder if my dad did the test? I told him to do it..🐟🐟

-Coconut oil
Excess use of coconut oil can create high levels of cholesterol due to its high levels of saturated fat. Nepalese people cannot consume too much coconut oil as it isn't a common food in their diet, just as the general East Asia population cannot consume much cheese or milk, instead they consume soy milk which provides them protein and other health benefits.
For some more info on this check in here:
I bought some coconut oil in late 2017 and later did my research on how coconut oil is processed into its end product and it turns out that most coconut oil is heated to high temperatures during its refining and purification process which results in a lower quality coconut oil as an end product.
Skinny & Co. produce a variety of products using coconut oil and I learned some important things from their blog posts, you can find them from here:

Now! Back to the topic of water..
I ended up purchasing a water filter called the espring water filter that is exclusively sold through Amway. Discover more about this water filter here:

Unboxing the new espring water filter for the householdπŸ˜ƒ

This is where I took everything out and read all the paperwork associated with the device's installation, maintenance and performance. πŸ“”

We moved the toaster along the kitchen bench top and placed the espring water filter in the corner.

I mounted the tap adaptor/ water diverter like so..

The water tubes run conveniently along the back of the bench top and out of the way.

Anyway.. So that's the water filter all done.

The reason why I wrote this post is to make people aware that there is always something to discover about things we take for granted in our lives. We grow up learning about things primarily by doing doing doing. We are taught by parents and friends and teachers who were taught, or better put.. "trained" the same way. Training relates to following and copying what others do rather than developing a knowledgeable understanding on why you are doing the things your are doing. That is the problem with sticking to tradition and learning everything from one or similar sources of information, like family or traditional school systems.
Here is a simplified example. A dog is trained to sit and stay for a reward. Now it's fine to train dogs as we cannot educate them as we do the same way with children because they are not as intelligent as humans, we need them to follow basic orders, like sit, stay, outside, etc. People are also brought up, ie. trained to have basic understandings of how to get a job and complete exams and encouraged to go to uni, get into debt for a degree and such to begin a career in a field of interest with the idea that success, but the most important things in life are not taught correctly or in enough detail in school and so we learn either the hard way, very slowly or, not at all.

You should question yourself and your understanding of the simplest things in life, like food, diet, vitamins, sleep, exercise, water, mindset, spirituality, etc. It will open up your mind and you will discover aspects of your life that you are yet to truly take advantage of. Read a book on relationships and attraction, take a course on investing, invite a doctor over to your place to discuss water quality and diet.. Keep moving forward always.

Here is a pic taken during my Christmas holidays in the Mount with my friend. He bought me a gift, any idea what is in the box? leave your guess down below in a comment!⬇️⬇️

Thanks for reading, upvote if you like the post. πŸ‘

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