Wheatgrass! AUGH! Is it really A WONDER CURE, or just a worn out FAD from California?

Well actually it is one of the healthiest foods you can ingest! For taste I can not say much in it's defense, but yes, it is amazing! Here is why!

Wheatgrass is a rich nutritional food that was popularized by Dr. Ann Wigmore, an educator and founder of the Hippocrates Heath Institute in Boston.

There is also a clinic located here in South Central Florida. This is the location where my husband’s friend checked in and received treatment for stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Ten years later and no return of the cancer. Proper nutrition kills not only daughter cells but the mother cells as well. There are many cures for cancer this is merely one of many!

Wheatgrass contains a great variety of vitamins, minerals, and trace elements. According to Dr. Wigmore, “I pound of fresh wheatgrass is equal in nutritional value to nearly 25 pounds of the choicest vegetables.”

Dr. Wigmore reported that “wheatgrass therapy, along with living foods helped to eliminate cancerous growths and helped many other disorders, including mental health problems. The molecular structure of chlorophyll resembles that of hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying protein of red blood cells, and this may be the reason for the effectiveness of wheatgrass. The key difference between the two is that the metallic atom in the middle of each molecule of human hemoglobin is iron, while the metallic atom at the center of a molecule of chlorophyll is magnesium. In experiments on anemic animals, blood counts returned to normal after four to five days of receiving chlorophyll.”

Source: Prescription for Nutritional Healing, James F. Balch, M.D. and Phyllis A. Balch, C.N.C., Avery Publishing Group, New York, copyright 1997 second edition.

This is just one of many articles I will intersperse in my wow series regarding cures for cancer. I hope this information is useful!
Here are a couple other articles I wrote about previously regarding cancer cures:



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