The Amazing Benefits Of Colloidal Silver - I Have Been Making And Using It On Humans & Animals For Over A Decade!

Colloidal silver is extremely powerful and effective at treating many kinds of problems. After years of making it I know how important it is to spread this knowledge. It is so cost effective that colloidal silver is hard to find in western pharmacies -
because the pharmaceutical industry does not make money from a product you can easily make yourself!

I have been producing and using colloidal silver on myself and my animals for more than a decade and it is one of the first things I reach for in an injury. It is one of the best mouth washes I know and works very well for animals like horses which can react to the stinging of iodine.

Before you make any you might want to try buying some first. I am sure you like I will see the medicinal benefits of this ancient medicine.

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Silver As Medicine

Silver has been used in medicinal preparations since ancient times. More than 2,000 years ago the Greek farther of western medicine Hippocrates, who I like for his famous statement: "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food", recommended silver for healing wounds and treating disease.

Silver has been a traditional method for healing throughout our culture. Soldiers up until WW1 used to clean river water in barrels lined with silver to stop the growth of bacteria.

There are various ways to produce silver in solutions for varying strengths and qualities but the most simple solution can be made with two silver rods as electrodes in distilled water. This produces fine particles of silver in water solution which has very little taste, color or odor. As I use a lot of colloidal silver for my horses this the quality that I mostly use, but there are other more refined methods.

What is without doubt is that the colloidal silver I make has clearly identifiable benefits in both myself and my animals!


Benefits Of Colloidal Silver

Colloidal Silver has such a wide array of health benefits but just a brief search online brings:

  • Infections due to yeast: bacteria tuberculosis, Lyme disease, bubonic plague, pneumonia, leprosy, gonorrhea, syphilis, scarlet fever, stomach ulcers, cholera
  • Parasites: ringworm, malaria
  • Viruses: HIV/AIDS, pneumonia, herpes, shingles, warts

Silver seems to inhibit pathogens and I use it primarily in 4 ways:

  • I have found colloidal silver to be a powerful and gentle mouth wash. Combined with oil pulling this seems to work miracles.
  • Colloidal silver is excellent for cleansing eyes in both humans and animals.
  • As a first defense for any cuts. It is great for humans but is especially good for horses who are skittish. A small spray bottle and knife are always near me when I work with horses. The adjustable spray of the nozzle allows me to spray the water on a sensitive cut from a distance.
  • It can be drunk directly to deal with problems in the gut or infections in the body.

I also want to add that I have heard of great results atomizing colloidal silver but I have not tried this myself yet!


Where Do You Get Colloidal Silver

I don't like to give recommendations but various pre made silver solutions can be bought online but you should always check the seller's reputation and ratings. You can also buy yourself a kit like I have. It is small, lightweight and I am able to travel with it so I can always make medicine if I need it. Again do your research before you buy!

One of the nicest ways to get colloidal silver is from a family member or friend who makes it them selves. It is so cheap to produce I could never conceive of selling it to a friend! 😉


Image sources: 1, 2, 3, 4.

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