Vaccines : Italy Fines Parents Of Unvaccinated Children, Potentially Takes Children Away & Mandatory Vaccination!

Italy is bringing in laws next month that make it mandatory for school age children up to the age of 16 to be vaccinated. Italy had been experience a falling off of vaccination rates amid concerns by parents over efficacy and potential health dangers.

This new ruling is set to change this unprofitable trend for pharmaceutical companies. Parents who refuse to vaccinate their children will soon be fined and worryingly potentially have their children taken away by the state!

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Vaccinations In Italy

The share of Italian children vaccinated against measles has fallen since 2012 by more than 5%. Italy's National Institute of Health reports that measles vaccinations among 2-year-olds rose steadily until 2010 where the vaccination rate was just above 90%. In 2013 it dropped to 88%, 86% in 2014 and 85.3% in 2015. This decreasing trend was obviously loosing money for big pharmaceutical companies.

Recently there has been a supposed measles 'outbreak' in Italy that has lead the Italian government to push through these new vaccination laws.

The new laws make 12 vaccines mandatory for school children in an attempt to combat ‘anti-scientific theories’. Included in the new mandatory vaccines are:

  • Measles
  • Rubella
  • Chickenpox
  • Tetanus
  • Diphtheria
  • Polio
  • Hepatitis B

The vaccinations will be mandatory from September for Italian children attending pre-schools through to the second year of high school!

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The Debate About Vaccinations

Proponents of vaccinations believe that vaccinating the entire population leads to herd immunity. I have written a post highlighting several problems with herd immunity that don't make logical sense!

It is clear that vaccinations are very profitable for the pharmaceutical companies that produce them. The primary goal of these publicly listed companies is to improve dividends for their shareholders. This list of the pharmaceutical company legal settlements makes it clear that these corporations are perfectly happy to lie and corrupt the system to increase their profits. It seems as if getting caught and paying fines is considered a normal cost of business for these corporations. They care about profits not people!

People who are against forced vaccinations raise several points that are valid for consideration:

  1. People deserve the freedom of choice - letting our governments dictate what we must do is dangerous
  2. There are health concerns with vaccines
  3. We do not yet know the impacts of some of these vaccines over a human lifetime
  4. The number of vaccines we are being given is rising

This is an emotive topic and always sparks lively debate here on Steemit and elsewhere - I encourage that!

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Coerced Into Vaccinations

The new laws in Italy have stipulations that seriously coerce families into vaccinating their children. It is reported that children up to 6 years of age will not be accepted into nursery schools without vaccination certificates. Parents who send their children to school after 6 years old without vaccinations could face fines of up to $8,380. The most worrying aspect of these rules is the potential for repeat offenders to lose parental custody of their children!!

This seems like a three stage coercion tactic:

  1. No vaccination, no school - this is very similar to Australia's no jab, no play policy - ouch!
  2. Progressive fines that directly impact the financial security of families
  3. Potential removal of children from their families by the state to forcibly vaccinate them

I know there are those of you reading this who will agree on these tactics for the 'greater good' of the population but I feel these laws are outrageous! They go against every concept of freedom of choice and clearly financially benefit the big pharmaceutical agenda.

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What Do I Think?

For those of you who have been following my posts you will be aware that I was directly involved in medical corruption which I outlined in my post. After this experience I started to look at things differently and research more.

It is now my opinion that the big pharmaceutical companies are not trying to heal us rather their goals are to increase their profits by any means possible. The billions in dollars paid in legal fines shows that even with their vast amounts of money these corporations cannot sweep some of these crimes under the carpet. Still no employees go to jail!

The recent measles outbreak in Italy could well have been manufactured by interests pushing the vaccination agenda. If that is so it would reflect the well used method of problem>reaction>solution that is powerful as well as ancient. Modern history is full of stories of our governments or corporations poisoning and lying to populations as scare tactics to garner public support for otherwise unpopular policies.

According to the Australian Standard Vaccination Schedule children are given up to 32 vaccinations (in groups) before they are 12 months old. I have also written about this in another post. Australia is implementing policies that are very similar to Italy's and I fear we will see this trend increasing around the world.

Essentially I believe in liberty, education and freedom of choice. I am concerned that these basic rights are becoming very scarce. What do you think?

Here are some links for further research on this topic:

  1. Mandatory Vaccinations In Italy
  2. Vaxxed The Movie
  3. No Jab, No Play Policy In Australia
  4. Parents Against Mandatory Vaccines
  5. List Of Pharmaceutical Legal Settlements

Images courtesy of 1, 2, 3, 4.

Jockey loves you All - vaccinated or not!

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