Health Education & Awareness

"Health is like MONEY, we never have the real idea of its value until we LOST IT."


Photo credits: Trenz Video Marketing

Does the line aboved make sense on your part?

Let me share to you a story of a young rich man owns many businesses, mansion, luxury cars and a billions of money in the bank. A definition of perfect life in this world, he can buy anything he wants as well as do whatever he wanted to do.

"All the MONEY in the world can't buy you back GOOD HEALTH"


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But one thing he forgot about is his health, he forgot that all his money can't afford to bring back good health. One day while he was enjoying his welath on earth his Doctor call him and told about his health condition. The Doctor explain to him that his dying because of a severe killing disease, his life will end in two months time as per Doctor's advice.

His world fall down! His wealth can do nothing and could not help bring back the good health.

Moral Lesson:

Wealth is important but health is more important, it is best to take care, prevent from sickness and always give value to health because if not all the wealth you have will become useless if you're body is dying because of sickness.

Health Education - Prevent Illness the Natural Way

It's my pleasure to share to you one of the best way to help prevent your body from killer diseases.

First of all here are the lists of human diseases:


Photo credits: Trenz Video Marketing

3 Important Properties for Health Prevention and avoid Diseases

I have here 3 points or properties of food we need to take to avoid getting those killer diseases and other sickness that takes away the happiness we have to continue living.

1. High Anti-oxidants Food

An antioxidant is a substance, such as vitamin E, vitamin C, or beta-carotene, thought to protect body cells from the damaging effects of oxidation. An antioxidant is capable of preventing the oxidation of cells. Antioxidants such as vitamin C and vitamin E prevent free radicals from oxidizing cells. Source:


Clearly explained from an online dictionary what is the use of antioxidants in our body. Now have you ever heard of an antioxidant called ANTHOCYANINS?

Anthocyanins is the most powerful kind of antioxidants that can be found in dark colored foods / fruits & vegetables. It is a 14 in 1 antioxidants which helps the cell regenration, protector and booster.

Below figure shows a comparative result of foods with the most high in antioxidants called ANTHOCYANINS based on research and studies of experts Scientists & Doctors.


It is amazing and helpful to maintain an excellent cells formation and condition in our body. Most Doctor's will advice their patients to take foods with high antioxidant contents because of those reasons.

2. High Alkaline Level Foods

The very opposite side of the Acid is Alkaline, acidic body is always prone to illnesses once your body has high acidity level expect abnormalities. See the figure below to know more regarding acidity. Acidic Foods causes negative emotions and stress in short it is the cause of our body's sickness while Alkaline Foods will give you a positive emotions, healthy & active body. Alkaline will eliminate body's acid the reason why the body will restore back to normal condition.


Here are some of the characteristics of Alkaline:

1. Detoxification
2. Strong Immune System
3. Kidney Cleansing
4. Body Rehydration
5. Cancer Free Body

Experts Dr. Otto Warburg - novel prize winner of 1931 for cancer discovery said that No disease including cancer can exist in an Alkaline environment.


3. Be Natural - Learn Nutrition & Herbal Medicine

It is very well said and clear, according to Retired Physician Dr. Allan Greenberg that almost all drugs are toxic and is design only to treat symptoms. It is nutrition and herbal medicine that cures any diseases of human body.


In addition to this I want to share to you what foods are good for the body in terms of treating an illness.

PH Balance Level
Acidic Foods According to Color
3.0 Red
4.0 Orange
5.0 Yellow
6.0 Yellow Green
7.0 Green - Neutral

Alkaline Foods Color
8.0 Blue
9.0 Dark Blue
10.0 Violet
11.0 Dark Violet
12.0 Purple


If you're presently suffering from any sickness, it is best to eat or take foods with dark colored. Fruits & vegetables who's color belong to the Alkaline category as per above mentioned.

For supplementation: Review and check the raw material of the capsule or juice formation food supplement if those raw ingredients are alkaline because if those ingredients are acidic then expect not to get cured from your health problem. It is very important to take alkaline food supplement and no to acidic food supplement.


Why I recommend Alkaline Foods? Or Dark Colored Foods?

Because the Doctors and experts say so!




Lastly, it is posted on one of my Favorite Naturopathic Physician Facebook Page.

A crystal clear comparison of number of people / patients death from FDA Approved Drugs compared to FDA's Non Approve Natural Medicine. See figure below!


Thank you for reading this health education article of mine. I want to end this article by leaving you a Mind Opener message from one of my online mentor Coach Curran Alvarez!


Think and Reflect!

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