The Forever Quest to Cure A Migraine

I literally want to throw up

And not so I can stay a size 0.

A little over 9 years ago, I started to suffer from debilitating migraines. I try my best to forget about them, but they are determined to stay put, a constant reminder that all is not well in my body.

This photo documented the night I realized I was suffering from much more than a headache.

It was when I first started working as a model. I had learned about a networking event 90 minutes from my house. Always the adventure -seeker, I grabbed some clothes and my model bag and hopped into my car. I was going to meet some people and make new contacts.

At least that was the plan.

I arrived at the event, all smiles in a room full of people with cameras. Then it hit me.

The light pain in my head.
The dizziness
The nausea

Ohmygawd I have to sit down.

I find some water and start sipping. What the hell was going on?

Finally, a photographer approaches and wants to shoot.

Here we go!
I think...

I stood up, smile and quickly tense my abdomen.

Now is not the time to throw up... I put my hand on my neck and focused on hiding the growing pain.

10 quick clips.. and I hear a man say "I think we got it."

I couldn't make him out. The lights were blinding.

I mutter "thank you" and make my way to the door.

Forget pictures, if I didn't' leave now, I was going to really embarrass myself.

I sat in the car, crying, wondering how I was going to make it home. It was dark, and the lights of traffic on the I-5 were particularly nauseating. I contemplated sleeping in the car...

surely that was safer

I honestly do not know how I made it home.. I think there was a crying-induced trance.. or angels -- the precursor of self-driving cars?

I also do not know how I managed to take this picture. =0

9 years later -- and still searching for a drug-free way to manage my migraines. 1-week pain-free so far. Advice, anyone?

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