I Just Cured 3 Incurable Conditions By Becoming a Hippie

Warning: This is more of a rant than a how-to.

I've been sick with incurable conditions for nearly 25 years. If you're wondering whether I am disabled - I am. However, the US Disability Office believes I'm "smart enough to figure out a way to deal with it" .. and you know what, they're right.

Oh yeah.. I'll figure it out alright.... I'm going to figure out how to get better.

Img Source: Free Great Picture

Most people do not know how sick I've been. Including doctors. They were so amazed by my slim frame and perfect skin, that there couldn't be anything wrong with me.

Hey there! Check out my sexy goiter

But I felt like shit. More specifically, like this:

So for years, I dealt with the pain.. giving up nearly 25 years of my life because doctors told me that's just how it was going to be... That I could dull the pain with ibuprofen. I could trick the pain away anti-anxieties. I could shut off the signals with Botox. I could kill my senses with opioids.

How about we just fix the problem?

Img Source: Flickr - User Cheriejoyful

Yep. That's been my life. ... and I still can't for sure tell you what's wrong with me.

So, last year, when I was told I, had permanent nerve damage from shingles that I probably could have gotten from the chicken pox vaccination that my parents gave me when I was 4, I was -done-.

The doctor prescribed opioids and a low-stress lifestyle. I went home, cried, laughed, took a walk, and started meditating.

Since that time, I've stopped asking doctors how to fix something I already knew how to fix.

I was "sick" - and by sick, I mean inflammatory disorders, neurological disorders, endocrine disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, psychological disorders and the dreaded migraine.

Look closely, you might see how I'm massaging a pressure point in my neck to keep myself from vomiting ...

What, you can't see it? =P

I couldn't possibly take another drug. I would have rather died fast than suffered slowly.

So I became a hippie - well, as my best friend likes to call it.

I stopped wearing shoes, ate more fruits and veggies, thought about trees, slept under the stars, gave more hugs, avoided all stress, explored herbal remedies, learned traditional belief systems, and stopped using an alarm clock.

Once I did that, everything else started to fall into place.

  • I practiced movement through the ancient arts of belly dancing, tai chi and yoga
  • I ingested a variety of medicinal herbs and oils to increase blood flow, stimulate the lymph system, and reduce inflammation
  • I fortified my blood with meditation and essential metals
  • I reduced stress with sensory deprivation, hydrotherapy, and music therapy
  • I repaired damaged nerves with electrostimulation and gentle stretching
  • I read books and wrote blog posts about forgiveness https://extranewsfeed.com/an-open-letter-to-the-family-that-owned-my-family-6bb6c4a9f7ed?source=activity---post_recommended_rollup
  • I adopted a minimalist mindset
  • I moved out of the city
  • I reduced my sugar intake
  • I dabbled with energy work and aromatherapy
  • I increased my Vitamin D intake (naturally and through supplementation)

But most of all, I started wearing yoga pants everyday.

Am I cured? I don't know, cause I don't know what's actually wrong with me.... but I've needed significantly less help easing my pain, my lymph nodes have shrunk, I can't find my goiter, my cycle returned, there are fewer holes in my walls, I'm no longer terrified of an impending migraine, I have an appetite, I no longer smell like I'm dying, (endocrine disorders suck) and my skin doesn't just look good - I GLOW ...like when I was pregnant.

Click the link and see--- > https://goo.gl/photos/f1Xcvkp2e6LQvMGX6

Plus, my tree pose is just plain boss now.... so yeah. I think I cured myself.

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