Ex-smoker - How Not To Become An Alcoholic!

Deterioration of the body and nervous system after smoking cancellation is typical for any person. If someone experiences this period without any problems, then there are cases when it is very difficult to stabilize the condition without medical intervention. It all depends on the characteristics of each person. It often happens that a person who stopped smoking started to drink alcohol. This helps to escape from craving for smoking. However, this option is very tricky - over time it will be necessary to increase the dose of alcohol and switch from low-alcohol drinks to stronger ones. All this can result in alcoholism, whose treatment can become a more difficult process than quitting smoking.


Replacing smoking with other addictions

In a person, a predilection for anything can be based on a banal inner mood. How can I not smoke a cigarette in the morning? And if the stressful situation - how to do without tobacco. If such a person refuses from cigarettes - he eventually replaces them with another no less harmful habit. And it's good if it's not drugs. However, alcohol is no less dangerous - and in fact it is resorted to by many quit smoking.

Incidentally, alcohol can be an important reason for the resumption of smoking. Usually where alcohol is, cigarettes are also there. Alcohol and tobacco - successfully complement each other. If there was a decision to drink, but not to smoke - it can drastically change under the influence of the drunk. Anyone who has tried booze will confirm that willpower is significantly reduced after half a liter of light beer. In a drunken state, all prohibitions come to naught, for which then it is necessary to pay the broken fortune and illnesses.


The withdrawal syndrome is a scourge of ex-smokers

The withdrawal syndrome makes the rejection of cigarettes more difficult. Do not think that this concept refers only to medical drugs. Tobacco is a potent substance that is rapidly eliminated from the body. Therefore, withdrawal syndrome can be felt on the second day, and five to seven days after quitting smoking. The condition of a person during the withdrawal syndrome is appalling - pressure increases, problems with the heart, breathing, etc. We have to turn to specialists to make our life easier.

However, substitution of tobacco by other substances is corny because of the habit of holding something in your mouth. Earlier it was a cigarette - it lit up every five minutes - half an hour, depending on the intensity of smoking. After the abolition of cigarettes, there is an obsessive desire to put something in your mouth. Some are saved by sucking candies or seeds, however, there is no intoxicating effect - therefore, in the end, every smoker comes to the same problem: quit smoking - started drinking.

Effects of substituting smoking with alcohol

This replacement ends very sadly. Rehabilitation clinics are working at full power because of the endless stream of patients suffering from alcoholism. And an impressive percentage of them are those who decided to use booze as a means of quitting smoking. Treatment of alcoholism is a more difficult, lengthy and expensive process. Therefore, it is better to first think - is it worth to make another one out of one problem, and even bigger? This does not take into account the consequences of alcoholism, which can lead to problems with the law.


The right solutions to the problem of craving for tobacco

In order not to fall into the trap, it is better to pay attention to the healthier options for substituting tobacco. To escape from craving for cigarettes, you can hit in the work - to put in it all yourself, discarding all thoughts and desires. This will give good results - you will not be distracted from the work process for regular trips to the smoking area. Efficiency with time will increase and income too.

A good option will be sports. Analyze yourself and decide what you like - running, biking or banal horizontal bars in the yard. Against the background of substituting tobacco for sports, one can perfectly develop their physical health and build up their musculature. Refusal of sports is connected with the psychological attitude, that smoking and doing exercises is harmful. In fact, this is true, but when cigarettes are left in the past - there will be no restraining factors.

If nothing helps, and the craving for tobacco potion prevents living - it remains to apply for specialized medical care. Do not immediately run to the pharmacy and buy special products - plasters and pills. Their effect is doubtful. For a start, you can go to a psychotherapist - a couple of sessions with a doctor will be much more effective than self-medication. Most of the problems with quitting smoking are associated with the human psyche. Physical dependence is observed in a small percentage of smokers and is often again a psychical setting, cultivated for a long time.

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