Education about the disease is not contagious and the granting of Anthelmintic in Villages in North Aceh Regency

In the subject of this time I will share about various diseases are not contagious, as we know in advance that in the world of health we know two kinds of disease that is infectious diseases and disease is not contagious.

An infectious disease is a disease that can be transmitted to another person. media of transmission can be through the air, body contact, tools, household equipment and some are transmitted through sexual intercourse.

The disease is not contagious is a disease that cannot be transmitted to another person. The disease is not contagious biasnya occur due to hereditary factors and unhealthy lifestyle. Even though we are near or in contact with the sufferer's body but we are not going to contracting the disease. A variety of Infectious Diseases no tiger in question are as follows:

  1. diabetes disease
    Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which levels of glucose in the blood increases. This is caused by the presence of impaired insulin function. For sufferers of diabetes mellitus, their bodies cannot produce or respond to insulin-a hormone produced by the pancreas in. Diabetes requires for every sufferer not to consume foods that contain carbs too much. For the sufferers of diabetes mellitus should consume foods containing carbohydrate levels are balanced.

If the diabetics mellitus consume carbohydrate intake exceeding measure, then the disease of diabetes mellitus are in agony will be even worse. This is at least a karenakan hormone insulin and the system performance of the hormone insulin itself is misbehaving maid who serves as a modifier of substances carbohydrates into energy. In people who are healthy carbohydrates in the meal will be on sports into energy with the help of insulin, but if it's on people who suffer from the disease of diabetes mellitus, their difficulty changing carbohydrates into energy due to the hormone insulin and system performance Insulin is impaired.

  1. Rheumatic diseases
    Rheumatism is one of many diseases that are found in the community. Arthritis is a disease that attacks the joints, muscle, bones and surrounding structures. This disease can attack anyone, both men and women, adults or children. Rheumatism are widely known in the community is a kind of rheumatic diseases that attack the joints or known by the term arthritis.

Rheumatic diseases are generally characterized by the symptoms of inflammation of the joints in the form of redness, swelling, feels hot and hard-driven joints. Rheumatism is a chronic urban diseases with symptoms of successive attacks. There was a time when the joints become more inflamed that occur unexpectedly, called flares, there are times when remissions or times with little inflammation. Arthritis can cause damage and permanent disability in the joints.

There are more than 100 types of rheumatic diseases. Rheumatism is most widely known is Osteoarthritis (types of rheumatic diseases due to disorders of the body/autoimmun immunitas), Gout arthritis/uric acid (a type of rheumatic diseases due to acidic substances on pile joints), systemic lupus disease and osteoporosis .

Until now, the cause of rheumatic diseases is not known for certain, but is thought to be triggered by a combination of various factors including genetic susceptibility, viral infection or hormonal changes. rheumatism can provide a very broad impact. In sufferers can lead to disability, whereas for the family can lead to moral and economic burden caused by the treatment of rheumatic diseases they will be. Therefore it is required how to resolve rheumatic diseases is right on target so that the disease treated.

  1. Canker sores
    Aphthous ulcer (also called thrush) or stomatitis aftosa (stomatitis aphtosa) [1] is an abnormality in the mucous membranes of the mouth in the form of cuts in the mouth in the form of a yellowish white spots with surface a bit concave. The emergence of this accompanied by aphthous ulcer pain.

Aphthous ulcer is a disease of the mouth disorders are most often found. About 10% of the population suffers from this disease, and women more susceptible than men.

There are several factors that cause is suspected to be the cause of the emergence of aphthous ulcer, as it wound be bitten, consuming food or drink hot, allergies, deficiency of vitamin C and iron, digestive disorders, oral hygiene is not maintained, psychology, and the condition of a body that did not fit.

Aphthous ulcer in the same place for two weeks to one month can be used as indication of cancer of the oral cavity.

Aphtous Stomatitis/Ulcer is not just caused by a deficiency of Vitamin C, but instead SA is known to be caused by an allergy or allergies citrus foods containing acids, weak immune conditions, certain drugs, physical trauma (or the use of new dentures), etc.

Vitamin C deficiency disease is Scurvy or failure of the process of synthesis of collagen that is marked with the gums bleed easily, skin bleeding

  1. Hypertension
    Hypertension (HTN) or high blood pressure, sometimes called hypertension also by arteries, is a chronic medical condition with blood pressure in the arteries increases. This increase causes the heart to work harder than usual to circulate blood through the blood vessels. Blood pressure involves two measurements, systolic and diastolic, depending on whether the heart muscle is contracting (sistole) or relaxation between beats (diastole). Normal blood pressure at rest is in the range of systolic (top reading) 100 – 140 mmHg and diastolic (bottom reading) 60 – 90 mmHg. High blood pressure occurs when constantly are on 140/90 mmHg or more.

Hypertension is divided into primary (essential) hypertension or hypertension is secondary. About 90 – 95% of cases classified as hypertension primer, which means high blood pressure without a clear medical cause. Other conditions affecting the kidneys, arteries, heart, or endocrine system causing 5-10% of cases other (secondary hypertension).

Hypertension is a major risk factor for stroke, myocardial infarction (heart attack), heart failure, arterial aneurysm (e.g. aortic aneurysm), peripheral artery disease, and the cause of chronic kidney disease. Even an increase in arterial blood pressure were associated with a shorter life expectancy. Changes in diet and lifestyle can improve control of blood pressure and reduce the risk of associated health complications. Nonetheless, the remedy is often required on some people when lifestyle changes alone proved to be ineffective or not enough.

  1. Osteoporosis
    Osteoporosis is a bone disease that have distinctive properties in the form of low bone mass, bone micro architecture carries and a decrease in the quality of bone tissue that can eventually cause bone fragility.

  2. The depression
    Depression (psychology), a State of feeling the slump like the grim, sad, and depressed feelings, mood disorders, a kind of mental disorder is characterized by Mood Disorders, major depression, a slump, one of mood disorders, depression ( Kinesiology), one of the movement's anatomy.

  3. Food poisoning or a drink
    Therefore terapkanlah healthy living patterns such as maintaining body condition and cleanliness, is a wise step to avoid the danger of infectious diseases and the disease is not contagious.




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