If You Live In The U.S. You Are Probably Drinking From A Poisoned Water Supply


Ahhhhhhh, is there anything better than a nice glass of water?

I can only think of a few other beverages that can hydrate you the way water does, without all of the toxic ingredients and tremendous amounts of sugar that can be found in drinks like Gatorade.

Water is the paramount source of hydration and cleansing.

But, if you are living in the United States, you are probably aware that your water is not pure.

The upsetting truth is that your water is most likely being pumped with Fluoride.
Unless of course, you are lucky enough to live in one of these cities:

  • Tucson, Arizona
  • Wichita, Kansas
  • Fresno, California
  • Albuquerque, New Mexico
  • Portland, Oregon
  • San Jose, California
  • Which are the only cities in the U.S. which allegedly do not contain fluoride in their water supplies....


    As for the rest of the U.S.

    there is NO dispute

    Dating back to 1961, fluoride was exposed as a lethal toxin in our nation's water supply, according to Congressional Record.

    REAL laboratory studies have shown that when fluoridated water is ingested regularly, toxic levels of fluorine are accumulated in the body, which results in IRREPARABLE harm to the immune system and the brain.

    The government would like you to think that the fluorine in our water helps develop and maintain strong teeth and bones!

    Even though there is NO scientific evidence of such claims.

    On the contrary, there is evidence that the ingestion of fluoride can be linked to numerous health issues, including but not limited to:

  • Osteoporosis
  • Osteomalacia
  • Cancer
  • Mottled Teeth

  • The lying Campaigners that support and market fluoridation will say shit like:

    The average fluoride level in ocean water (1.4 milligrams per liter) is much higher than what is used to fluoridate public water systems. No reputable source has identified any negative effects on salmon or other fish that live in the ocean.

    They make this statement as if the fluoride they are pumping in our water is the same as the fluoride found in nature.

    When in reality, the sodium fluoride and fluorosilicic acid used to fluoridate our water supplies, are in fact industrial byproducts that ARE NEVER found naturally!

    giphy (8).gif


    The common consensus from people not living in the U.S. is that fluoridation is used as a way to keep people "stupid".

    Fluoride decreases brain activity, more specifically, activity in the pineal gland.

    If you don't know what the pineal gland is, it is responsible for producing melatonin.
    It is also considered "The Third Eye", mystics and esoteric schools consider this area to be the connecting link between our world and the spiritual world.

    It is considered to be the most powerful and highest source of ethereal energy available to humans.

    Whether you are a spiritual person or not, fluoridation is a very REAL issue.

    Fluoridation of our water supply has become standard, rather than an exception.

    Why don't we as communities have a say in whether or not our water supplies are fluoridated or not?

    Some ways to remove the fluoride from your drinking water are:

  • Distillation Filters
  • Reverse Osmosis Filters
  • OR

    You can purchase spring water, which contains very minute amounts of fluoride, less than 0.2 ppm, and ideally less than 0.1 ppm.


    -Balch, Phyllis A. Prescription for nutritional healing: a practical A-to-Z reference to drug-free remedies using vitamins, minerals, herbs & food supplements. London: Penguin, 2011. Print.




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