How Hand Clapping Can Benefit Health

Call it fate, whatever? There I was, miserable, because of my worsening mobility, when I received a health article which seemed tailored to my condition. I hadn’t Googled it, but suspicion falls on that mighty organisation because they uncannily do seem to know all about me, what I had for breakfast, and that I qualify for Care Home and Funeral Parlour adverts.

On the telly, through the post, plus every time I power up the ruddy computer –

‘ We’ll Take CARE Of YOU! - Past Caring CARE HOMES

‘Burial prices are increasing at an alarming rate. Book your funeral now and benefit from today’s low prices’ - Pushing Daisies Funeral Parlours.

Anyway - The article was about handclapping being of benefit - I quote - Striking both the hands helps in better blood circulation in the veins and arteries and is extremely beneficial for those with cholesterol problems.

Isn’t that spooky ! I have lower leg circulation sluggishness, and the article homes in on exactly that. But perhaps I want it to, as in clutching at straws.

I think there is logic to it, because the treatment relates to Acupuncture and Reflexology energy points. I believe in those. I have a hand held Electronic Acupuncture Unit. The author also mentions Yoga as being an influence in the procedure.

The overall concept of acupuncture is the body runs on energy or qi pronounced Chee. The energy system involves defined pathways known as Meridians, each of which has multiple acupuncture points that affect various organs, areas or body systems.

Hand reflexology can be employed to relieve symptoms of headaches, congestion, muscle soreness. The reflexologists require you to apply more pressure than you would use on your feet because the reflexion points are much deeper in the hands than the feet – See Image -

Hand acupuncture points.jpg


Excerpts from Common Health Benefits of Clapping That Can Change Your Life Leading to a Healthy Future By Tapu Goswami

(I have provided a link to the complete article at the end of this post)

Most people today would be surprised to realize that clapping or applauding with hands is a good exercise for the body that helps to stimulate the energy pathways commonly associated with Acupuncture

This physical movement can contribute to living a cheerful and stress-free life as striking with the palms is a therapy for healing depression, hypertension, occasional headaches and problems such as hair fall.

Clapping during the morning hours of the day while praying at the holy places or singing songs helps to activate a large section of the brain to gradually improve and maintain health.

It is also a useful treatment for easing arthritis or similar inflammation conditions in other parts of the body.

Doctors have suggested applying some coconut or palm oil to both hands to stimulate the pressure points in the fingers and enhance the stimulation of energy waves in the body.

Striking both hands helps improve blood circulation in the veins and arteries and is extremely beneficial for those with cholesterol problems This exercise also helps to improve digestion and make the body more immune to disease.

In most areas there are places for people to gather for exercise, leisure activities and morning walks. Some now incorporate clapping as a routine to stimulate positive effects on the body and mind.

A few minutes of clapping can help in better secretion of hormones as well as keep the heart healthy by removing obstructions from the blood vessels and other channels.

Patients suffering from low pressure can clap to find improvement. It is also extremely effective for enhancing the nervous system

It can help to reduce blood sugar levels as well as help to achieve calmness as a requisite for anyone suffering from insomnia.

Testimonials have claimed Improved protection from infections such as common cold and lung related problems like asthma and eye defects.

Biologically the hands and palms contain reflex points that connect the healing process to the entire body system.

Clapping is also a yoga exercise to aid healthy development of the body for people of all ages.

Tapu Goswami has done extensive research in the field of health and fitness sciences to keep the mind and body active for a better future.

Article Source: -

It all sounds too much of a cure all, but I am trying it for my Heavy Leg mobility handicap.

What is there to lose? I’ve been a believer all my adult life, that given the chance and lived right in the first place,

‘The body is its own best healer’

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