Top Three Tips To Beat Diet Cravings

Top Three Tips To Beat Diet Cravings

Losing weight can be hard. You'll face many challenges on your journey. One of them, that faces everyone, is cravings. I don't mean just feeling hungry, I mean really really wanting something that you know you don't really need or want to eat. But you can't stop thinking about it.

Here's my top three ways to beat cravings!

1. Don't Go Hungry

Not eating enough is one of the most commonly recurring problems I see when people are trying to lose weight. If you were staying around the same body fat while eating a metric tonne of food, then just start eating five or ten percent less than you were. Don't start eating less than an average pet rabbit.


Getting a huge salad in with lunch today

Eat plenty of food, at regular intervals, so you don't go hungry. If what you're eating contains less calories and more nutrients than what you were eating before - you'll still lose weight. If you're starving hungry then you're taking things too fast and are eating too little.

2. Get Plenty of Sleep

When you're tired, your body craves junk food. You know why? Because refined carbs, sugar and fat contains loads of energy. That's fast release energy just waiting to be consumed. If your tired, you'll crave all of that fast releasing junk food.


Bed... my bed

Getting enough good quality sleep will help you fight off those cravings, recover faster and train better. Not to mention all of the other wondrous things that sleep does for us. Perhaps I'll do an article on that soon!

3. Clean Your Teeth

I have no idea why this one works. But if you're feeling like eating something that you know you don't really want - you're just craving junk - clean your teeth. Cravings go away instantly. I actually did a poll of all of my clients, asking them how they reduced or beat cravings. Ninety percent of them said that they cleaned their teeth!

Try it out. Anytime of the day, if you feel a little craving, just do your teeth!


I keep toothbrush and toothpaste at work now too to beat my cravings!

If you've got any other tips for beating food cravings - I need to know them :) Please share!

Yours in health,
Coach Ben @coachben

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