10 natural foods that will relieve your hangover


Good morning dear Steemians, how are you? Today I bring you 10 foods that will ease your hangover and may contribute to improve your health after a long night. I hope you like the post and if I have something to improve or have any suggestions let me know in comments. Let's go to the post itself:

You had a great time last night, and you know it. But at the end of the night you just had your "last drink" several times and today you wake up with a mop, with symptoms from a strong migraine and a terrible stomachache, the desire to vomit, strong thirst -the alcohol dehydrates us-, strong general pain in the body- as if you had been hit by several people- and even a slight amnesia or lack of memory of what happened during your night out.

You have an Acme hangover, but don't take ibuprofen or acetaminophen. You can deal with the hangover by using one of these foods that you can have in your refrigerator.

Here's the best way to easily deal with your hangover!


1 Isotonic drinks

They're the best way to rehydrate us. Alcohol dehydrates us, this generates bad breath and a persistent headache. Sports drinks (like Gatorade and Powerade for example) have the electrolytes that you need to replace to relieve yourself. You should avoid coffee and tea, because both are diuretics and make you lose even more water. If you are in South America the same applies to yerba mate.


2 Eggs

We're on the day after a big drunk, the best thing you can do is prepare yourself a breakfast with eggs. They have a lot of cysteine, it cleanses your body and purifies alcohol and its residues. Combine your omelette with orange juice, on the other hand the eggs have calcium, which helps stabilize your stomach.


3 Mint

Peppermint helps relieve dizziness and the urge to vomit, peppermint lightly anesthetizes the stomach walls and slows down the symptoms of the hangover in that organ.

You can also use peppermint tablets, capsules and even diluted peppermint oil, this can help disguise your ethyl breath. Mint cream is out of the question (obviously).


4 Pumpkin seeds

They're the best way to clarify your mind right now. A North American study concluded that alcohol presses and narrows the arteries of the brain and leads to a neuronal deficit.

Just 32 grams (1.12 ounces) of pumpkin seeds have sixty percent of the daily dose of magnesium needed for an adult, this gives stability to the membranes and neural nerves, this mitigates the stabbing migraine typical of hangover.


5 Ginger

You have to boil water and grate some ginger over a sieve, then pour the water over the ginger in the sieve and prepare a tea of this plant. You can also eat some ginger cookies or chew a piece of ginger with honey to reduce your stomach problems or the urge to vomit or reflux due to the amount of alcohol you drank last night.

Ginger is also available in capsule form which may be a more convenient way to take it to relieve a hangover.


6 Sodium bicarbonate

A tablespoon of baking soda dissolved in a glass of water helps decrease excess stomach acid after drinking so much, which makes you less nauseous. This is very fast, because the effervescence of baking soda makes it easier for the body to absorb.


7 Honey

It's the best thing you can consume to combat hangover fatigue. Honey gives the body sodium, potassium and fructose, micro and macro nutrients indispensable after a night of excess (INXS what a great band by the way).

Eat the honey spread on a wholemeal bread the next morning, followed by an egg and ham sandwich, protein, cysteine and calcium also fight the hangover.


8 Cinnamon

Too much alcohol unbalances your blood glucose, that's why you're so tired. Cinnamon manages to regulate the peaks and lows of blood glucose produced by the consumption of large amounts of alcohol. A plus is that it helps to reduce cholesterol. After a long night put a spoonful in your cup of milk with honey.


9 Green cabbage

Your folic acid drops a lot after hours of steeping your elbow in a bar. It is an essential nutrient to produce energy and red blood cells, much needed to repair your body of the damage caused by alcohol.

Cabbage ver is a great source of folic acid. As if this were not enough, its juice protects the stomach. Can you drink cabbage juice after a night out?


10 Lemon and honey

Lemon juice has depurative properties, something essential and ideal after a night when you drank too much, this will not only relieve you but repair some of the damage.

It is one of the simplest treatments against hangover. Drink 8 ounces of water and add 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Then add a generous spoonful of organic honey. This should be drunk slowly.

I hope you can enjoy these foods to relieve and ease your hangover and make your health shine again! What is your favorite food for this? Please tell me in the post comments. I want to know which food or recipe is popular in your country for ease the hangover or which one you have adopted from another place in the world.

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