Makeover Your Medicine Cabinet - Holistic Living 101

This is how I made over my medicine cabinet:

I bought the family essentials kit with dōTERRA and I bought a book teaching me how to use different oils for different health challenges. Then I trusted myself to listen to my body and trust my intuition. Also, learned about different foods that can be used for healing, as well as foods to stay away from.

I have been using dōTERRA Essential oils for 8 or 9 years now, but only COMPLETELY switched out my medicine cabinet (to not rely at all on any synthetic drugs or OTC medicines) in the past 2 years. What I am trying to say is, it is not an overnight thing. It is a process, and everyone is on their own timeline.


The first two essential oils I used in my kit was Peppermint and OnGuard.

Peppermint would wake me up in the morning for college, plus it would get rid of my coffee breath. I would put one drop in my mouth, and one drop in my hands then inhale deeply.

Onguard was my immunity booster. Whenever I felt a little tickle in my throat I would take a drop of OnGuard directly into my mouth. It burned like hell but as soon as you get over the intense burning you realize that your throat is not sore anymore. Hah!

Turns out both are great for respiratory support, along with these other oils:


With the holiday season coming up, and the weather changing, THIS is the time to really nourish your body and help support your immunity naturally. Just using these oils in a diffuser in your home is helping your body on a molecular level. You can also use them topically (dilute with a carrier oil). Lemon, Frankincense and OnGuard are all oils you can internalize.

HUGE CAUTION - When I am talking about using essential oils internally, I can ONLY speak for dōTERRA. Please do not think you can do these things with other brands that are NOT dōTERRA. Quality MATTERS.


Did you know that some chemicals in a lot of household soaps, shampoos, detergents and practically everything we use are known endocrine disruptors and can actually CAUSE respiratory and immunity problems within our bodies?

You can use these oils to disinfect and clean, without the harmful side effects of common cleaners like clorox, lysol and more.


If your seasonal threats are acting up, you may want to try this blend:


Another big part of the holidays is the added STRESSORS in our lives. Whether its getting the "perfect gift" for your loved ones or hosting family for the holidays, or wrapping presents for your kids, stress can come in many forms. Stress affects a lot of our body systems, therefore, when we are stressed, we are not able to be the best version of ourselves. Take time to give back to yourself. Self care is health care!


Stress can cause tension to build up in your body. We all tend to store this stress tension in different areas, some people their knees or legs, some people their back and others their shoulders or neck. Throw some Lavender and Frankincense in your diffuser and use these oils to help relax the tension.


Did you know that stress can actually wear down your immunity?

So if you do catch a cold or a bug, you can use these powerhouse oils together to help nip it in the butt before it manifests into something ridiculous. I remember before proactively using dōTERRA oils in conjunction with my health, I would get a few times a year but it would always be soooo longgg and dragged out, like 2 weeks.

Now if I feel like I am about to get sick Iʻll use this blend internally in a veggie cap, I have a roller bottle already made with these oils, and Iʻll get a few of these oils into the diffuser.


Another thing that stress can negatively affect in your body is your ability to get a restful sleep. By working on lowering your stress, it will consequentially help improve your sleep. Additionally, here are some oils from the TOP 10 oils that are relaxing and calming.


Yet another thing that stress can affect is your digestive system. Here are some great oils from the TOP 10 kit that can help support digestive issues.
Peppermint can sniffed when you feel like throwing up..Sometimes I feel that way when I am riding in the back of a car, and sniffing peppermint really helps calm that feeling.
All 4 of these oils - lemon, peppermint, digestZen and frankincense can be taken internally. I would suggest a drop of each in a veggie cap because some of these oils are strong tasting. My preference is NOT to taste it in my mouth :)

And lastly, a lot of running around to get things done can leave your body feeling overheated. Here are a couple of oils that can really help you chill out. literally. Always use carrier oil to dilute because peppermint can be sensitive to some peoples skin.


I know after seeing all those ways you can naturally take care of you and your families bodies, youʻre probably wondering,
Itʻs super simple. You choose and order a reduced price starter kit, and it will show up to your door (or PO box) within about a week!

Check out my Reduced Price Starter Kits Here

Here are a few of my most popular starter kits:

1. Family Essentials Mini Kit - Naturally Ballin on a Budget


2. Home Essentials -3x the size for less than double the price


3. Natural Solutions : Clean up Your Life Kit - BEST DEAL!


November Special Deal

This month, if you purchase one of my reduced price starter kits, youʻll get 50 points (equivalent to $50) directly in your account to spend on other doTERRA products by next month.

If you are not quite sure what kit would fit you best, reach out to me and we can figure out what is best for you. I offer free 30 minute wellness consultations to help you reach your health goals.


Which natural solution would you try first? Where could you use support in your life?

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