22 year old, Australian, looking to educate, support and inspire! Introduceyourself

Greetings from Mr Noodles and I!

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Tough Mudder 2015 I'm the guy on the left :)

The right this time haha.

My name is Harry Newman. I'm a 22-year-old personal trainer living on the east coast of Australia.

Even though I am still young I've experienced my fair share of challenging life situations that have forced me to grow as a person.

These difficult times in my life (which I will share on Steemit when the time is right) is what makes me passionate about my purpose....

Helping others improve physically, mentally and emotionally

I first joined the gym desperately looking for a change.

Back then I smoked, drank, had no life goals and I felt defeated by the society around me that I had so much trouble understanding.

After my physical health improved, my mental health followed and my perspective on life shifted from the dark to the light!

I look really creepy in this picture!

I knew I could help others get results like I did!

So I studied to become a personal trainer and after two years I wouldn't change a thing.

Every day I get to encourage and empower people

Not only that, I also educate them, which is the most important part of my profession in my eyes. And what brings me to Steemit.

I believe the sharing of knowledge is a beautiful thing

So I've come to Steemit to lay down what I know about exercise and diet. As well as share the emotional lessons I've learned and coached clients through. Things like self-love, motivation, confidence, goal setting, the list goes on.

I'll be passing on knowledge in the form of articles and blog posts. But I have other ideas for content sharing such as videos and a podcast.

I guess that's all for now....

Obviously it's going to take me a while to fully customise my profile how I like it, but I'll be regularly posting content from now.

I'm going to leave my newest blog here, as well as some social media links if anyone would like to get connected

Newest Blog
Personal Facebook given with trust. I'm happy to accept trusted users.

I wish you all a lovely day/night, can't wait to see you around the site!


If you have any recommendation of and health and wellness topics you would like to know more about feel free to get in contact with me

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