Vegi Juicing - Not What You Expected From the Goblin.

A little while ago I decided I wanted to start juicing as a way to get more vitamins and minerals into my system. You just can’t pop pills and expect the same results. For one - popping pills doesn’t contort my face as much as downing a glass of freshly squeezed spinach / Kale and bell pepper juice.


My theory and also my experience is that the worse a juice tastes the better it is for you, with that in mind and the research I came up with some super healthy drinks you can only ‘chug’. I look forward to them as much as I’d look forward to giving blood via a sawn-off drain pipe.

Kale, spinach, ginger, turmeric and bitter Mellon (also known as Kaela) are just some of the hardcore materials I am using that’s like super greens.

Bitter Mellon - like the name is very bitter so really good for you.

For juice that is not as hardcore as that, … tastes nice(ish) and is also good for you, the favourite as popularised by the Gerson clinic is carrot and apple (both Organic). I can drink this without having to neck it and actually on a hot day can be nice with some ice.

I won’t say this has become my passion, but I feel like I need to be doing some good. My favourite drink is still a nice dram of scotch with a little water. But If hit the gym and torture myself with some greens I feel like I'm balancing out a bit.

There may be some that poke a stick at me by suggesting that I'm undoing all the good work of the green drinks by drinking scotch.

My objective is not to live like a monk treating my body as a temple (damn fine people those monks – living without scotch or a bit of rumpy-pumpy), but it’s to enjoy life, so a bit of the yin/yang if that applies,.. Good with the bad etc. (any other fitting analogies)

Here is a picture of the juicer I bought, it's not quite the ‘Rolls Royce’ version but it’s not far off. More like a Mercedes S class with electronic self-levelling suspension (available as optional only).


some of the raw stuff

Some of the hardcore greens (or swamp water as @slobberchops calls it)

IMG-20160227-WA0005 (1).jpg

Got to finish the pics with a Dram
Nikka from the barrel - it's not 'scotch' but it's damn nice.


feel free to ask any questions - Goblin.

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