Bay leaf benefits for our health


Riza psicomatica magazine talked about the bay leaf, a typical evergreen mediterranean plant which resists to late autumn winds, high temperatures and rains.

The bay leaf, is an efficient remedy for colds, helps your digestion, is useful in case of respiratory disorders, heals the reumatism, skin flushes and headeache.

Lauric acid, which is contained in the bay leaf, keep the insects away.

Bay leaf berries and leaves are rich in essential oils which prevents acidity and fermentation but also contains potassium, copper, calcium, iron, selenium and magnesium as well as folic acid, and A, B and C vitamins.

Bay leaf berries may be used to prepare an oil-based solution useful in case of arthrosis and neck pain.

You can also massage your scalp that will become thick and shiny.

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