Old News But New Commitment

After training for 18 months and losing over 60 lbs I entered and participated in the inaugural Ironman Florida, held in Panama City Beach, Florida on November 6, 1999. My primary intention was to raise money and awareness for a nonprofit ministry to children. My secondary goal was to live a more healthy lifestyle

2.4 Mile Swim

The race began at 7:00 am with a 2.4 mile swim in the ocean. I was not even nervous, the waters were calm and so was I. 1700 people went into the water that day for a 2.4 mile swim in the ocean. It was a 2 lap course marked with inflatable triangles. During the end of the first lap I saw a huge grouper swimming under me in about 20 feet of water. The swim was easy for the most part, my wetsuit Velcro scratched my neck every time I looked up and under my arms, got some abrasion from the suit. I finished the swim portion of the race in 1 hour and 22 minutes.

112 Mile Bike Ride

It was a smooth transition to the bike and I felt good up until mile 100. As I got off to use the porta potty, I got a cramp in my right quadricep. The medical wagon came by and ask numerous questions. I had to pedal the last 12 miles with my left leg. I was not going to give up no matter what.

26.2 Mile Run

In the bike - run transition, I had roaming cramps making putting on my running shoes difficult. I put on some icy-hot creme and prayed constantly. The first hour was mostly walking and after that, slow short runs. The second loop was much better physically but not mentally. In the dark of the turnaround I startled some lonely walkers. They said, “Oh, we thought there were two of you”, well it was, me and Jesus.

The last mile was nothing but smiles and awesome. I finished strong and left on my own power. I was greeted by my wonderful wife to congratulate me.

Now I am beginning my traininig to finishg the same race again in 2019. I hope that the years have given more in wisdom than what they have taken from the physical body. My hope and prayer is that I can beat my previous time and encourage other people to live healthy and free.


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