Water is boring & tasteless? Here's the solution!

It's a problem! What to do when you know you should drink more water but you dont want to because water tastes so boring?


A common problem people have with drinking water isn’t that they don’t remember to drink it, but they’re just not interested in it. This is when you have some other options. You don’t necessarily have to drink just plain filtered or tap water all day, every day. There are many ways to add flavor to your water and make it more interesting, without piling on the sugar and calories.

Make Your Own Infused or Flavored Water

Two ways to do that...

1, The Simple Method… a Touch of Lemon Juice
If you're short on time and just want a super quick way to add flavor to your water, go with the lemon water. All you need to do is add a few lemon wedges into your water, squeezing in the juice first, then putting the wedges in. Lemons have a lot of tart juice, so this will flavor your water quickly and easily.

You can also try a mixture of lemon and lime, or use other juicy fruits like grapefruit.

2, Fruit or Vegetable Infused Water
When you are willing to spend more time on your water, you can use other fruits, vegetables, and even herbs to flavor this water. This is called infused water, since it is a longer infusing process. You aren’t just flavoring your water with these ingredients, but adding more nutrients from the produce and herbs.

To make infused water, you should have a glass pitcher and access to filtered water preferably. Prepare your fruits, veggies, and herbs depending on what they are. Berries should be sliced so you can access the juice inside, fruits with hard skin should be peeled first. Veggies should also be peeled and chopped. Muddle your herbs to release the oils and flavors.

Muddle? Yep, that's a word. Means to mix (a drink) or stir (an ingredient) into a drink.

Add the ingredients to the bottom of the pitcher, cover with ice, then add your water. Let it sit in the refrigerator for as long as you can before drinking it, which really allows those flavors and nutrients to come through.

Another way to drink more water is to use a bit of PSYCHOLOGY on yourself by...

Choosing a Glass or Cup You Enjoy Drinking From

Do you want to encourage yourself to drink more water? It’s all in the cup! If you use boring water bottles you don’t like, then you probably won’t drink as much water as you should. A good way to have fun with your water and remember to bring the bottle everywhere with you is to choose a water bottle that works best for you.

This might mean the overall look and color of it, or the ease of holding onto it while walking. There are so many small details in a water bottle that determine if it’s a good fit or not. For example, if you drive a lot, you want it to fit perfectly in your cup holder. On the other hand, if you bike for exercise, you may want it to have a tight lid, but one that is easy to pop off when drinking while riding.

Try out a few different cups until you've found the one that is perfect for you.

I first published this here.

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Photo credits: Stencil


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