Cancer patient stops treatment - Why? All doctors are fake he says.

A friend diagnosed with cancer thinks colloidal silver will heal him.


A month ago a neighbor came and asked if I could drive her husband to the hospital, he was unable to catch his breath. Of course I said abosolutely.

I drive over to pick them up only to be told his wife refuses to go with him. Not really questioning it, off we went to emegency. Triage checks his vitals, heart rate over 180, bp was 40 and oxygen at 45. The admit him immediately.

Xrays showed his right lung was completely collapsed and his white blood cell count was very high. Phneumonia had set in.

A specialist is called in, since they couldn't get his heart rate down they were going to do a procedure to get air back into his lung and while he was under they were going to shock his heart. I asked him if he wanted me to bring his wife there and naturally he said yes.

I get to his home and she doesn't want to go. I tell her, your husband is scared and he wants you by his side, now get your things and let's go.

The procedure was cancelled as they were able to get his heart rate back down to 94. We stay for a bit and she wanted to leave.

A week later he is released but has to take many meds, see a lung specialist and go for more tests.

They did a biopsy and found he had cancer. But his wife insisted that the doctor was an idiot. So what does she do, she encourages her husband to not take any more treatment.

Now 3 weeks later, this once strong independant nice looking man, is nothing but a frail bone rack. He has become confused due to malnutrition.

I tell him, point blank, your dying my dear and you need to go to the hospital now. His wife throws a temper tantrum when he agrees to get help.

"What about me, I'm going to be all alone, what am I going to do." She said over and over.

Took him back to the hospital, and the doctor was shocked at how much more weight he has lost and his infection is back, along with the worsening collapsed lung.

His wife refuses to take his calls or answer his text messages. She is Bipolar and a manic depressive and stopped taking her meds.

Today, I am going to see him, corn beef sandwich and unsteetened apple sauce in tow. ALONE!

I really don't know what else I can do and pray that he survives this. But I fear if he goes home, her negativity will kill him. My hands are tied at this point.

Any suggestions would greatly be appreciated. It is in gods hands now.

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