Nutrient Fruit Reduced Fruit Reduced?


Eating fruits should not always be in the form of fresh cut fruit. We can also make juice with blender or juicer. No need to worry about the nutritional content will be reduced.

The use of juicer will make us only get the juice alone because the fiber automatically separated. However, according to nutritionist Jansen Ongko, though juiced we can still get the fiber content.

"If you use juicer, the fruit pulp will be discarded, but that's not soluble fiber, while the soluble fiber is still in the fruit," he said at the launch of Philips Blender Duravita Tritan Jar.

Jansen dismissed the notion that the juiced fruit is unhealthy. "Fruit juice is also suitable for those who are not fond of eating because of illness, can not chew, or for children who do not like the taste of fruit and vegetables," he said.

Creamy creamy fruit and vegetable smoothies are also more practical because we can include several ingredients at once and stay blended. For example some kind of fruit, beans, yogurt, or cornflakes.

"Consumption of fruits and vegetables in Indonesia is still lacking, and the way of serving with blender or juice can help us to meet the sufficiency of fruits and vegetables every day," he said.

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