The Goodness of Beer


Beer is one of the most popular beverage and is the most widely consumed alcoholic drink in the entire world even if it has numerous negative effects if taken immoderately. It has been long linked to weight gain and some chronic diseases like gastrointestinal disorders, cancers and even mosquito-borne illnesses like malaria or encephalitis.


But in contrast to that, beer also has multiple benefits if taken in moderate quantities. Here are some:

  1. Beer has vitamins B11, B2, B6, and even has a great amount of the rare vitamin B12.
  2. According to experts, beer drinkers has a lower rate of Dementia or Alzheimer disease in the later years.
  3. Beer also contains lactoflavin and nicotine acid which can greatly improve sleep and cure insomnia.
  4. It can reduce the risk of heart attack for 40-60% than those who prefer to avoid it.
  5. Beer can also prevent blood clots.
  6. It also has high level of silicone that strengthens bones according to a scientific study.
  7. Beer is also healthy for the kidneys. It can lower the probability of kidney diseases by 40% according to studies.
  8. Drinking beer everyday in moderate quantities has a positive effect on pigmentation hence it will make your skin smoother.
  9. Two glasses of beer per day can significantly lowers stress.
  10. Beer also has vegetable fibers that can lower the levels of LDL cholesterol and can protect us from cardiovascular diseases.

Sounds good right? So to my fellow steemians who's planning to quit drinking beer, you better think twice! Cheers! :-)


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