How I Quit Smoking Cigarettes Forever Through VAPING & How I Make Vape-Liquid

I quit smoking and started vaping about 7 years ago. I started out at 24 mg of nicotine, and reduced it down to 3 mg nicotine over the span of a few years. The hardest part were the first few days and weeks. Mostly because I only had one battery, so there would be several hours during charging where I would really crave a cigarette, and not have my vape. After the first month of vaping and smoking no cigs, I really didn't crave cigarettes anymore. After the second month, I started to not like the smell of them and realized I didn't even like cigarettes anymore.


I have never heard people say things like "what is that wonderful aroma?!" in reference to smoking cigs in their car or near their person, but that is EXACTLY the type of response I get when vaping around people. It is actually rare that I genuinely bother someone with my vape, aside from the occasional passive aggressive joke about how people cant see through my clouds, lol. But not all vapes are "cloud-boxes", it is totally up to you what type of mod you choose to use, and their are plenty I have used in the past that produce very little vapor-clouds in one hit.


Today I use a Smok: Procolor that produces descent clouds. My intention is to eventually quit vaping as well, but I have come a long way from where I started. I no longer hack up nasty black lugies, my chest and throat doesn't hurt anymore, and I can breath easier and have more stamina than when I smoked cigs.

You can also save a ton of money by vaping instead of smoking. It is WAY cheaper, you just have to spend more at one time. If you want to make it even CHEAPER, as I did, then you should mix your own e-juice for your vape, and order all of your ingredients, mods, batteries, and parts online instead of paying retail, which can often be more than double the online price (links to where I get my vape stuff online below).

When mixing my e-juice, I use blunt tip syringes of different widths and tip lengths to measure and distribute the ingredients. For the vegetable glycerin (VG - pictured in glass jar), I actually take off the syringe tip, as the VG is too thick for even the thickest tips. I also use a separate syringe for the nicotine, so I do not mix it in with the other ingredients by accident.


I call the flavor I mix "Bangin'berry", and although I will not list my portions, I will list all my organic flavors except for one (my secret, also organic). They include: strawberry, blackcurrant, grapefruit, and my secret flavor with a tiny bit of sweetener, sometimes no sweetener. I mix a 70/30 blend of VG/PG and as mentioned above 3 mg of nicotine.

I do not recommend the bottles I am currently using to mix into, the necks are too thin and sometimes the VG is hard to get into the bottle. Get empty e-juice bottles with wider mouths, preferably glass. I usually use glass, but I got these bottles for my trip to Acapulco, and am now forced to re-use them as long as i can.I don't like being wasteful. All the other glass e-juice bottles I have are ones I have been re-using from when I used to buy e-juice locally.



I hope this article has been helpful to anyone looking to quit cigarettes through vaping, and anyone currently vaping looking to save some money/get higher quality ingredients for their e-juice mixing. Here are the links to the sites I order from online:

FLAVORS: Coupon Code 6% off: VU6

Vegetable Glycerin & Polypropylene Glycol:
If out of stock then order VG/PG from here:

Nicotine Concentrate:: (100mg)

Blunt Tip Syringes: Ebay, Pharmacy, or Tractor Supply Store

Batteries & Chargers:

Mods, there are several good sites, here is one:

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