What will Happen if You Eat only Fruits for One Month?

If you only eat fruit for one month, the following things could happen:

1.You will need to use the bathroom a lot because fruit has so much fiber and water. You might have some intestinal discomfort and diarrhea as you adjust to the change, although your body will adapt after a few days.

  1. You will probably lose weight: The sugar in fruit is mixed with water and fiber, so the calories are not very dense (40–50 calories in an orange). An entire watermelon might have 1,200 calories, which is less than the 2,000-calorie daily diet the average person needs. Could you eat more than a whole watermelon per day? Those who are initially very thin or who become thin as the body adapts to fewer calories will stabilize at a steady, low weight. If you started at a higher weight you’ll just keep losing weight all month.


  1. You will lose muscle mass. Fruit is relatively low in protein. Your body needs protein to function so it will be donated by your muscles. As your muscle and body mass shrinks, your body’s demand for protein may stabilize, but you’d be very thin by modern standards before fruit alone would provide all your needs.

  2. You will crave fat and protein. The types of nutrients and calories that aren’t in fruit will become extremely valuable. A hunk of cheese, egg, bean burrito or a bit of olive oil on dipped bread will seem irresistible. (If your fruit diet includes avocado or melons and squash with the seeds, you’ll be able to satiate some of your fat and protein cravings).

  1. When you end the diet, get ready for an adjustment period again. Unfortunately, the brief discomfort you felt when you started your diet will come roaring back if you jump right into greasy foods or meat. Your digestive system now has to adjust to starch, protein, and oils again. If you commit to healthy foods and add them back in slowly, you may tolerate them well. But if you break your fruit fast by chowing down on a pizza, get ready for a rough night.


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