Protect the environment in your home

Our planet is increasingly polluted by various types of waste so planting green plants will bring us fresh air. And that is why I would like to introduce to you the landscaping should be planted in your home with beautiful and healthy green space.

Bringing home-grown ornamental plants into your living space is a great idea to purify the air and transform your home into a greener, cleaner environment. Therefore, you learn about the kind of plants in the feng shui home.

Ivy is a fragile creeper like a young lady but lush all year round with a sturdy, durable vigor of a knight, with good resistance even to cold winters or hot summers.
It easy to live, green, is the creeping tree used for decoration is very beautiful.

About feng shui: it is considered as a tree that always brings good luck and peace. In addition, ivy is also used by many people to cure various diseases such as detoxification, hypoglycaemia.

Ivy‘s Leaves absorb very well formaldehyde, also known as Physiological, which is one of the most common indoor air pollutants. Popular household items such as carpets, insulating foam, plastic, plywood, etc. will emit formaldehyde over time.
Breathing formaldehyde at high concentrations can cause eye irritation, tearing and headache, heat in the throat, difficulty breathing, and cancer.

Peace Lily is noteworthy that the species grows in tropical regions, in tropical and subtropical regions. Also known scientific name is Spathiphyllum wallisii, English name is Peace Lily. This tree is known for its name, such as white-throated, white-throated, or peace-loving.

About feng shui: In modern society, people are always faced with radiation and electromagnetic pollution. Each cell of the body affected by this, the plant is a very good tool for the solution. Floating plants also have the effect of balancing the air field by absorbing conflicting energy sources in the home that help balance the body. These are the fields of manmade radiation energy (emitted by computers, radios, Microwave ovens, telephones, and televisions ...). Therefore, trees should be placed near these devices to neutralize the habitat.

Peace Lily also absorbs benzene VOC, a carcinogen. This substance is more in paint, polish, wax polish furniture. In addition, it also helps to neutralize the harmful emissions emitted by electronics, binders and detergents.

Cultivated plants are hygroscopic, adapted to low light environments and are suitable for small pots in homes, offices and balconies.

Fine cloud structure of ammonia, a substance very toxic to the human respiratory system. This substance is a major component in detergents, textiles, and dyes.

It is light-loving or semi-glossy, needs moderate water, easy to grow, does not take much care.

American ferns remove good formaldehyde toxins. In addition, it removes toxic metals such as arsenic and mercury. This is considered to be one of the highest efficiency air purifiers.

American fern plants are moist plants so you need to water regularly so that the plants grow well.

The scientific name is Sansevieria trifasciata, or snake plant, mother-in-law's tongue.
The snake plant grows like a perennial, with no stem, succulent plant with a thickness of 1.3-2.5 cm, leaves growing from the roots upright towards the sky. The leaves are simple, flat, 30-160cm long and 2.5-8cm wide. Slender leaves at the two ends, blue, yellow border, white horizontal stripes. The leaf surface is smooth, without veins. The tiger's tongue is small, growing in ivory white.
Feng Shui: Wish good luck to partners, relatives, friends. New house live and work in peace and contentment. Celebrate New Year's fortune, fight off spells.
Snake Plaint help reduce carbon dioxide, ormaldehyde, and benzene in the air. In addition, it synthesizes oxygen inverted with most plants. At night, it absorbs carbon dioxide (CO2) and releases oxygen. Therefore, this tree is very suitable to put in the bedroom, the room has many computers, printers.

Golden Pothos tree is a climbing herbal plant, with a large rounded body that has many gas roots, crawls or hangs on suspended pots. Single leaf, elongated, oblong at the top, heart at the base, shiny blue with white lines, yellow scattered on the leaf blade. Mo flowers, short stalks.
The growth rate of Golden Pothos tree is quite fast. Semi-glossy Golden Pothos tree, high water requirements, can make aquatic plants. The tree lives well in the shade, grows very quickly in cool climate, absorbs much water. The betel leaves can be placed in the corner of the room or hang small pots near the windows, making the room more lively and natural.

About Feng shui: Golden Pothos tree is lucky, successful and peaceful, it is often planted to beautify, decorate ... or as a flower arrangement material. Suitable for growing decorations in offices, restaurants - hotels, homes ... or noise.

Golden Pothos has overcome the problem of formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and benzene in the house. The lady is a balloon, suitable for medium intensity of light. It is possible to grow hydroponic or grow in soil

Wax Begonia can filter well the benzene and chemicals produced by toluene. Toluene is used to dissolve a variety of materials such as ink, rubber, paints, adhesives ... Long exposure to toluene can cause cancer.
This is a shade-tolerant, moist, suitable plant where the air is cool.

This plant can filter the xylene, trichlorethylene, formaldehyde gases found in many lacquer, oil, and waterproofing products.
About feng shui: Good luck, good fortune
This is a light-tolerant or semi-glossy tree suitable for indoor decoration, medium water demand. Match the room with high ceilings and moderate sunlight.

Tropical tree, tapered, high, branched, small branches. Leaf concentrates at the tip of the branch, narrow-banded. Light-loving or semi-glossy plants suitable for indoor decoration, medium water demand. Match the room with high ceilings and moderate sunlight
Spider plant will help you filter formaldehyde, benzene molecules in the air.
This is a very easy to care plant, just water when the soil near dry. You can place a pot on a pedestal or hang a basket outside the sunny window.

After you see my post. I hope you will build your house more fresh air,


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