Three tested home remedies for different problems

Sometimes there are easy solutions of some typical problems similarly we can manage to relieve from some health problems with easily available stuffs in our house specially in the kitchen.
Here I am sharing three tested effective home remedies for three different problems which anyone can take benefit whenever in need. These are easy to remember and easy to use too.

(1) Honey bee stings


If a bee stings, it may cause extreme redness and increased swelling at the sting site.
To get relief from take a onion, cut it and rub on sting place thoroughly. Immediately you will get relief.

(2) Mouth sores (Canker sores)

In a cup of water add 1/4 tsp of alum. Take a mouthful of sip and keep in mouth for a minute then spit out, repeat 4-5 times. It relieves pain causes by sores and you can take food easily.

(3) Cracked lips (Chapped lips)

It is a very common problem in winter season. There is an amazing tip to prevent it which I suggested to many patients and found excellent results.
This is a very simple; you just have to apply mustard oil in your belly button every day. It may sound you weird but when you will try and get benefit out of it definitely will share with others, this very uncommon remedy to prevent cracked lips.

Hope you will get benefited with these remedies when in need. If you want to know any remedy for a particular problem please let me know in the message. I will try to solve your problem.

Thank you stopping by!

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