How to make herbal cough syrup at home?

Cough, cold and sour throat are very common problems in changing weather. There are only symptomatic treatment in allopathic medicine for these problems. Whenever any member in my family suffer from these seasonal common cold and cough I always make own Ayurvedic preparation and give them for at least seven days.


To relieve from these ailments care must be taken in eating habits. According to Ayurveda one must not eat such food which causes cough like eating banana, drinking cold water etc. Warm water should be used all the time.
Here I am sharing procedure to make herbal cough syrup with easily available ingredients at home.


Fresh ginger 50 gm
Black pepper 1 tsp
Clove buds 1/2 tsp
Turmeric powder 2tsp
Fennel seeds 1 tsp
Jaggery/Sugar 50 gm



Wash, peal and chop fresh ginger. Blend all ingredients except jaggery in a mixer.
Add 200 ml water and bring it to a boil. Add jaggery and simmer for about half hour or till it reduces to half, on low flame. Cool down to room temperature and strain it. Store in glass container and use for seven days.



Mix one part of this syrup with 2 parts of warm water and take sip like soup 3-4 times a day.


Try this remedy yourself whenever required.

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