Parents Forced To Look For New Family Doctors After Refusing Vaccinations For Their Children

It's that time of year again that families are getting ready for their kids to go back to school and along with that comes the advertised reminder for children to get vaccinated beforehand.

For some doctors in the US who are sticking firmly to the suggested vaccination policies though, it's forcing parents to have to make some new changes and go looking for a new family doctor for their loved ones.

In Kansas for example, some doctors there have told parents that if they refuse any of the required vaccinations that they will not be allowed to remain a patient with them. Doctors say that they have seen an increase in recent years of parents opting to say no to vaccines for their children and they say that is why they are now taking these drastic measures.

Some doctors are sticking to a strict vaccination policy and that includes all of the recommended vaccinations by the CDC.

For the patients and families who aren't going to be bullied in such a manner, into making a choice for their child's body that they don't want to make, they are now looking for new pediatricians.

The doctors say that their only interest is in protecting the children and they are willing to lose patients in order to take this stand in an effort to try and persuade parents to take every and any vaccination that is suggested by the CDC. The doctors say that they aren't forcing vaccinations, they are simply allowing parents to make the choice whether or not to stay with them and if they choose not to vaccinate then they choose to go elsewhere.

One common issue that you find with those who push for any and every CDC-suggested vaccination is that they assume those who don't want any and every vaccination are only making that choice because they are ignorant in the matter. But in many cases that couldn't be further from the truth, there are many parents out there who are very passionate about spending countless hours researching this topic because they want to try and make the most informed decision for their loved one. And it isn't only a couple of silly celebrities who have questioned vaccinations either, there are thousands of doctors and nurses out there who have taken a stance against them in some form or another as well.

When it comes to the vaccine topic, you'll find that there are some people who are for all vaccinations, some who are only for some vaccinations, others who are against all, and others who are against only some. It gets into a heated argument though when those who are for want to force their will onto those who are against. And they feel justified in doing this because they see their force as a preventative measure to try and save lives. For many parents though, that fear or line of reasoning, isn't enough in their eyes to warrant such a violation. For those parents, they either want to make the decision themselves, or they want to make it with the help from their family doctor, and they don't want to be pressured by some government agency to adhere to their vaccination requirements.

banner thanks to @son-of-satire

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The information that is posted above is not intended or implied to ever be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.


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