How to destroy hemorrhoids in a few weeks and be pain free again!!

Throughout my life I have had a few pop out here and there when I eat too much meat products without adding some fiver into my diet. In my case however, it is usually a little thing that pops out and irritates for a few days then goes away. For my wife however, she had it bad. She has had it since a young age and it kept getting worse and worse over the years. After our first child, she actually had to have surgery because it came out so bad. After surgery, she was better for about a year. Then she started to get it again. When she got pregnant with our second child, it became full blown again. Watching her reactions, not being able to walk sometimes, and the pain in her eyes got me searching and researching. I read articles, watched videos, read through blogs to find what people were trying and how it was working. Most articles just claimed certain results but never really gave you any proof of results. No comments from people who have used the solutions in the articles, etc. We started trying all kinds of things, Witch-hazel wipes, Preparation H, Hemorrhoidal pain, Doctor Butler's, Etc. The best product for pain relief we came across was called "Mayinglong Musk Hemorrhoids Ointment Cream." It has a musty old tree smell, but boy does it work. However that just gave pain relief, the best thing we found that worked is actually in most households and can be bought at any grocery store. Can you believe it is garlic? OMG it was in front of us the entire time lol. Garlic was a life saver for my wife. She was amazed at how well it worked. It took about 2 weeks but well worth the effort. She still has some scar tissues that needs to be removed but no pain whatsoever, and she can go #2 regularly without any issues.

What you need:

  1. Get yourself "Mayinglong Musk Hemorrhoids Ointment Cream." ( Just copy this name without the quotes into google or amazon and walla. This will help you with the pain while you get through the process. Takes about a day and you can start to walk again.

  2. Get yourself some good old garlic. medical grade is recommended but we got organic ones from her mom's friend. You should get a dozen bulbs, that's about how much we used. You will need to use half a bulb each session.

  3. Get yourself one of those 3.5 gallon buckets, good quality one. You can get these at Home depot or amazon. Some people have used the one gallon ones but I think the 3.5 is better and safer.

  4. Get a nice size pot to heat water, I used a kettle.

  5. Something to smash the garlic with. ( I used a metal bat that I had and smashed the garlic right in the bucket so that the garlic oil stays mostly in the bucket.

Process to follow:

  1. Take a shower and wash Hemorrhoids clean.

  2. peel half a bulb of garlic and get it ready for smashing in the bucket.

  3. clean bucket and whatever you are using to smash garlic(I highly recommend you smash garlic in bucket).

  4. Heat water till it is boiling over or till kettle is steaming(kettle makes a loud whistling sound).

  5. Smash garlic in bucket or however you want to smash it and put in bucket.

  6. Add hot water in bucket just enough to cover smashed garlic and give off some good steam.

  7. Right after adding hot water, take off pants, skirts, and undergarments and sit on bucket completely covering bucket if possible. Stay there for about 15 minutes or until you feel water is cool.

  8. After garlic session, apply "Mayinglong Musk Hemorrhoids Ointment Cream."

  9. Repeat this 2 times a day for about 2 to 3 weeks or longer depending on how bad it is( took my wife 2 weeks for it to go down to about a pea size from a grape bunch size).

  10. Share your results after about 2 weeks and if you make any adjustments to improve on the process, please share so others can be saved.

I have read some comments where some people say using a garlic clove like an enema at night before you go to sleep works great too with the process. But my wife said to me when I suggested it "Hell No!" lol. It just wasn't for her but for those who are comfortable with it and want to try it, there you go. Please let us know if it works for you.

If this helps even one person defeat the pain my wife was in, It will be well worth posting this.

Thanks for reading and a toast to freedom from hemorrhoids.

I must give credit for the garlic method to Vinygee on youtube, here is the link to his video:

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