My mental illness and why I wanted to share.

Recently, I've experienced a resurgence of my ptss, anxiety and depression. It coincides with my insecurity about being a good father to my 8 month old child and my unborn due in March, 2018. It also has to do with the fact I have very little personal income and we don't have a home and the last month I've been estranged from my wife and child ,whom are currently staying with my wife's mother, so that they can be safe and secure while i save and find a suitable place to live.( hopefully i find something by nov 1st)
Until very recently, I've had no outlet I was comfortable sharing my feelings with, and joining steemit I've weighed whether or not I could talk about it here. But I've sat down and read some really inspiring steemit posts that made me feel like people actually care about each other here
For instance a steemit user named Kurt Robinson @churdtzu , who's detailed article about learning from the worst breaks in your mental health and accepting the knowledge. Understanding that although you may have lost control in the past, regaining that control can lead to a brand new better version of ones self. His article '"Mental Illness": How and what to learn from your mind breaking' really gave me inspiration to write this.
sealing the deal was a post by @melania Called 'Why we should talk about mental illness' and the heads together promotion that was displayed.It was well written and these posts made me feel safe here. the comment sections are positive and people are real here. So I decided to give myself over to the idea of sharing my trauma and my illness to help promote personal healing. Which I described in my first ever post on Steemit last week.

Now I need to do more, I want to listen to others, I want to hear their stories, so we can reflect and grow together. So that others who, like pre-steemit me, are afraid to open up. People who rather than going to the doctor for prescriptions hides it all away and pretend that nothings wrong. People putting that strong face on so nobody see's how badly it really hurts. My love for you is real. I want our world to succeed, because underneath all the stress and the pain I see a beauty so profound I would be a fool to continue to ignore it. I see real people, wanting real change, real opportunity, and real purpose.

If you're one of the millions of people who suffer every day. Just know, not every person in the world is only in it for themselves. You are loved, I promise. If you're not, if you're one of the strong and well-adjusted, but see the pain as a reality for others I urge you to be there for us, and I love you aswell.

IF you want to share and promote this message, please, don't hesitate, If you have your own story you'd like to share, comment and/or leave a link to your post about it in the comments.

Side-note, mental illness is no less important than a regular illness, sometimes you need to get treatment, if you're really struggling and really unstable, social media may help but consulting a doctor is not taboo in fact it could save your life.

SAMHSA Treatment Referral Helpline – 1‑877‑SAMHSA7 (1‑877‑726‑4727).
The Mental Health Helpine provides free information about mental health services in Ontario. Call at 1-866-531-2600. 24/7 live answer and confidential.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255
Kids Help PhoneCall a counsellor: 1-800-668-6868
Crisis Text Line 24 hours a day every day, throughout the US by texting 741741.


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